Jewelry and Makeup Armoire.

Last summer I found two of these Mirrotek Jewelry and Makeup Armoire’s on one of my thrift store jaunts.  Last Summer.  I just now put them up in mine and my daughter’s rooms.  sigh.

But, enough about my procrastination habits.  These things are awesome.


Of course mine didn’t come with installation instructions, most of the things I find out and about never do.  But it had these weird arm things that go over the top of a door.  I immediately took those off.  I knew with Liv and myself that it would never stay up on the door with just those things.  We had a reason to call her Destructo Girl when she was little. Poor little thing, she is her mother’s daughter.  And things that would hang beautifully on other people’s doors and never fly off because of someone slamming a door – well – those things had to come off.


You can see that the back of the armoire has two holes in it, up high near the top.  This is where my father’s ingenuity comes into play.  I absorbed his ingenuity through osmosis.

I went out to the garage and grabbed a couple of these.


Drywall anchors people.  It’s what people like me and my daughter need in our lives.


I sank them into the wall at the height that I wanted to hang the armoire and then I sank a couple of screws into them.  Not all the way.  I wanted the screws to stick out slightly to hang the armoire on.


Next, hang up the armoire!  Tada!  It’s not crooked on the wall.  Promise, just my non-skills with my camera.


I love these things.  I transferred the jewelry that I have collected over the years into it and stuffed those jewelry boxes into the donation pile.  Yay for not having things on my dresser.

I love the clean look of it and that’s one less thing on the dresser to call to other random things to come and join it.  Does this happen at your house?  If something sits out on my flat surfaces, other things join it until you can’t tell what your dresser looks like?  Maybe it’s just me.

What do you think?  I hope you find one at a yard sale!

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Fix it Yourself and Save Some Moolah.


My beloved Jeep Liberty is now almost 12 years old.  It gets horrible gas mileage (always has) and it has more than a few scratches here and there on it’s poor body.  But, I seriously don’t want to replace it.  It has served me well and I have no intentions to buy something new.  I have issues, I know.


I hate it when something doesn’t work right though and this past week my rear door wouldn’t open.  It’s very hard to load groceries or haul something home from the thrift store if you can’t open your back door!

YouTube to the rescue.  Don’t you love YouTube?  What did we ever do before we could watch someone do something, that we don’t know how to do and voila – now I’m an expert too.

I looked up Jeep Liberty Rear Door Fix and found a relevant video.

As usual though, in my world nothing happens like it does on TV or the internet.  Apparently his Jeep isn’t a 2004, because my switch wasn’t in the same place as his and it took a lot more swearing and wrench throwing to get it done.


After realizing that ours was different, we – ahem, decided to remove the entire back panel to see what was what.



Lo and behold, we did have a switch, BTW, if you have a 2004 Jeep, ours was located inside the space up to the left.


You flip the switch and ta-da, your door will now open.


Yay for doors that open properly and husbands who are willing to be mechanics at the drop of a hat.  (Even when they would rather play guitar or PlayStation).

Now I can go get my groceries for the week and maybe stop by my local thrift stores!

What have you fixed yourself to save some moolah this week?