Decluttering as I buy.

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Liv and I were in Ross’ last week so that she could pick up more canvas for her latest project and I spied this little gem. For $3.00. I snatched it up immediately. Liv pointed out that I did NOT need another Christmas decoration. This is true. 🙄

However, I do like these glass soap dispensers much more than the plastic ones that I get at the dollar tree, Bath and Body works or in the case of my latest purchase of liquid soap Aldi.

So I purchased both of these little lovelies with the full knowledge that as soon as I take the brand new wrapper off of them, the gold, glittery sleigh will go straight into my donation box without a backward glance.

Decluttering at its finest. Yes, I brought it into my house, but it doesn’t have to stay here.

I got exactly what I wanted and someone else can snatch up the little sleigh for another use.

Also, through the magic of the internet you can’t see all of the dirty dishes in my sink. They are there though…..