What’s for Supper? 02.08.21

What’s for supper at your house this week?

Hello friends!  I hope that you are doing well.  It snowed again this past Saturday night.  While it’s beautiful, I am so ready for Spring.  As always.

Here’s what we ate last week in no particular order:

I made pulled chicken on buns with chips and air fryer pickles.  We have a tavern in our area that makes these pickles deep fried and we love them.  These turned out really good, but I need to tweak the recipe before I share it with you.  Why yes, those are my Christmas dishes.  What do you use to eat on when you don’t run the dishwasher that morning? 😯 

Pancakes with bacon and hash browns.  Liv asked me why I do this to my pancakes.  No, it’s not very appealing to look at, but I can get a better coverage with my syrup this way with less, which doesn’t make me wish I hadn’t made pancakes for supper.  They were pretty good, but I won’t be using this recipe I found online again.

Soup beans with salmon, Mac and cheese, roasted onions and potatoes with fry sauce.  Yum.

Taco salad with a cheese and refried beans and onions rollup.  Delicious.

Roast chicken quarters with baked potatoes and roasted carrots and onions.  We had sweet Hawaiian rolls on the side.

It was a canned soup and grilled cheese night.  Everyone seemed to be content.  I also got Hayden to try my beloved Vegetable Beef which he has now asked for more than once for lunch, so I count that as a win.

Tuna sandwiches with chips and cucumbers.

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

what's for supper?

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

Chicken and Yellow Rice Recipe

Chicken and Yellow Rice Recipe

This is another one of my very simple recipes that I’ve made for years.  I originally got the recipe from Denton’s Mama when we first got married.  If you need supper on the table in about 30 minutes, which will fill everyone up and not cost the earth, AND taste delicious, this recipe is for you.


chicken and yellow rice recipe


Here’s how I make it:

First I fry my chicken with a little bit of butter and olive oil.  With salt and pepper.  You DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS.  I do this (1) because Liv doesn’t eat meat.  You can boil the chicken in the water that you are going to cook the rice in and it will save you this step. Denton actually prefers the chicken boiled.  He loves the way it tastes.  But I don’t want to have to make two batches of separate rice, so…..You do you.chicken and yellow rice recipe

You can use any kind of yellow rice from the store.  This is what I had in my cabinet.  I have used this one – Vigo, I have also used Mahatma, Zatarains, Goya, Knorr, and I just saw this one on amazon which comes in bulk.  I’m going to give it a whirl too.  I can’t tell the difference in any of them.  But as I always say, you do you.  And then everyone will be happy.One note:  if you do take the time to fry the chicken separately, it will give it more flavor, but the rice has a lot of flavor to begin with, so it’s really not necessary.

I follow the directions on the rice packets and boil it until it’s delicious….

And then I chop the chicken and add it to the rice and it’s ready to eat!  I always separate enough for Liv to have at least a couple of meals with her Tofu.  It’s her favorite.  She asked for this to be her birthday meal this year.

At Denton’s request, I always serve this with my coleslaw.  And at my request, I always make cornbread muffins to go with it.chicken and yellow rice

It’s absolutely delicious.  Let me know what you think!chicken and yellow rice recipeHere’s the handy dandy printable.


chicken and yellow rice

Chicken and Yellow Rice

Cook Time 30 minutes


  • 2 (9)ounce packages yellow rice
  • 3 TBSP butter
  • 3 chicken breasts


  • Saute your chicken OR boil it in the water you are going to cook the rice in.
  • Cook the rice per the instructions on your package with the butter.
  • Dice up the chicken and add to the cooked rice. And enjoy!


If you want to make this recipe vegetarian, just use Tofu or your choice of veggie protein in place of the chicken.

What’s for Supper? 02.01.21

What’s for supper at your house this week?

Hello friends!  I hope that you are doing well.  I completely missed last week.  I am sorry about that.  Every time that I think I’ve found my rhythm this year, I have to start from scratch and find a new one.  One thing that I’ve learned about myself after all of these years on earth is that I’m getting better at it.  Or at least today that’s my feeling.  Ask me if I feel the same later this week, when I’m sure something will be off kilter and I’ll need to realign myself.  Again.  Let’s go!

Here’s what we ate in the last two weeks in no particular order:

Chicken and yellow rice with cornbread muffins and coleslaw.  I’ll try to post this super simple and yummy recipe tomorrow.

BLT sandwiches with chips and fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.  Yum.

Hamburgers with chips and fresh tomatoes and onions.

Kielbasa with rice, fresh cucumbers and garlic bread.

Chinese!  It was my birthday and I got to choose, so this was it.  It was delicious too.

Homemade meatballs with spaghetti and buttered bread.  The meatballs were just okay in my opinion.  Firstly, I’m not a great meatball lover, so I’m already inclined to dislike them. Do you have a tried and true meatball recipe?  I would to have it!

Chicken and dumplings with cornbread muffins.  This looks pretty terrible, but it tasted amazing.  I got the recipe from my brother.  When I make them again, I’ll take photos so I can share it with you.

Soup beans, salmon, Mac and cheese with roasted potatoes, onions and broccoli.  

Burgers with Doritos, fresh onions, tomatoes and cucumbers.

When I spent my morning getting groceries Denton ASKED for Chinese food again.  We tried something new last time.  It was their steamed chicken dumplings, and he feel instantly in love with them.  So I got Chinese twice in two weeks.  Yay for me.  And the dumplings were amazing, again.  Also we have a new favorite to share, their black peppered chicken.  YUM.

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What's for supper?

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

What’s for Supper? 01.18.21

What’s for supper at your house this week?

Hello friends!  How are you?  Is it cold where you live?  We are having “actual” winter right now here in our part of Virginia.  It snowed all day today.  It didn’t stick, but it’s still cold as all get out.  I’m ready for Spring!!!!  And may it last for at least eight months.  It’s probably a good thing that I’m not in charge of the weather….  Now that I’ve given you our weather update….

What we ate last week in no particular order:

Spaghetti with Rao’s sauce (our favorite!), a giant salad and buttered bread.

Tuna sandwiches, chips and pickles….

Mexican rice and creamy chicken enchiladas.  This meal was AMAZING.  Everyone loved it. I’ll try to recreate it and put it up on the blog.

Slow Cooker Coca Cola Pork Loin (only I made this one with Dr. Pepper….) with green beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing from a box and crescent rolls.  Yum.  I made this meal with “intentional leftovers” in mind….

Slow cooker pork loin on buns, with chips and blueberries.

Soup beans, salmon, roasted potatoes, broccoli and onions.  I made my version of Mac and cheese again, and it was delicious.  I’ve almost perfected it.  Recipe coming soon….

Slow cooker pork loin tacos.  These turned out fantastic.  This was Hayden’s plate.  He ate it all and asked for more later that night.  And he ate all of that too.  Sneak peek for next week – he ate it again on Monday!  This is definitely a keeper.  Also just for reference, he and Denton used the extra large burrito wrappers as taco shells…..and I used a normal human sized one below….

This was my plate.  And yes, yes I do regret covering the whole tostada with ranch dressing.  Otherwise it was very good.  And the pork taco?  Delicious!

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What's for supper?

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

Easy and Delicious Baked Ravioli

Easy and Delicious Baked Ravioli

If you need an easy and delicious, QUICK meal, this is it.  It’s also just different enough that I can get away with it being something new.  Yay!  Best of all, it’s only FOUR ingredients.

Here’s how I make it:

As always with all of my recipes, if you don’t have something, say ricotta cheese, substitute something else.  I like cottage cheese in bakes like this.  If you don’t have spinach and cheese ravioli, use what you have.  I like this though because it gets more veggies inside us without sacrificing the taste.  This was excellent and I’ll definitely keep it stocked in my freezer from now on.  I HIGHLY recommend the Rao’s marinara though.  Yes, it costs the earth for a spaghetti sauce, but it also tastes amazing, and it doesn’t give everyone in my house heartburn.  Which is worth a gold piece or two.  Right?  Right.

Pour about 1/3 of your spaghetti sauce in the baking pan….

Put down a layer of ravioli…..  Get out your handy dandy scooper….

Put down a layer of ricotta (or cottage cheese)……  The scooper just makes everything more tidy, which makes my heart happy….

Sprinkle over some shredded cheese….

Add another layer of spaghetti sauce….

More ravioli and ricotta…..

More shredded cheese……

And just keep doing that until you are happy or you run out of supplies, OR your pan is completely full.  You do you, boo.Baked Ravioli

Bake until golden brown and bubbly.  I don’t mind that the ricotta doesn’t spread much, but if you do, just smear it about with a rubber spatula.  But I don’t have time for that…. YUM.
Serve with my favorite garlic bread.  And a giant salad.  More salads Tracie……

ravioli bake

And voila!  Here’s the handy dandy printable.

Easy and Delicious Ravioli Bake

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  • 1 (24 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce (we LOVE Rao's)
  • 1 (30 ounce) bag frozen ravioli
  • 1 (16 ounce) container ricotta cheese (or whatever yummy cheese you have on hand, like cottage cheese for instance)
  • 1 cup (or more) of shredded cheese


  • Pour a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of your baking pan...
  • Add a layer of frozen ravioli
  • Then use a scooper to add a layer of ricotta cheese
  • Sprinkle with shredded cheese
  • Repeat the layers until you are happy or you run out of ingredients....
  • Ending with shredded cheese on the top.
  • Bake in a 400* oven until golden brown....
  • Serve with your favorite garlic bread and a giant salad! Enjoy!

What’s for Supper? 01.11.21

What’s for supper at your house this week?

Hello friends!  How are you?  So far this year I am keeping up with having something green on my plate every day, even if it’s only a pickle!  How are you doing in the vegetable department?  I hope that you are eating something yummy every day.

What we ate last week in no particular order:

Baked potatoes with a giant salad and buttered bread.  There was supposed to be baked chicken with this meal, but I had technical difficulties….

Burgers with chips and raw veggies.  My favorite.

Taco salad.  Yum.

Soup beans, with roasted potato wedges, asparagus and onions, salmon, and homemade Mac and cheese.  The Mac and cheese was really good.  We are getting very picky about things in our old age – even Hayden and Olivia.  It’s quality over quantity in some things now.  When I feel like the Mac and cheese is the best I can do, I’ll share the recipe with you.

For Liv’s birthday she asked for chicken and yellow rice.  Or rather, tofu and yellow rice.  I added garlic bread and coleslaw and it was great.

Chicken patties on a bun with pickles, raw tomatoes and chips.  I’m trying to add more raw veggies and less chips.  It works sometimes.

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What's for supper?

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

Easy Green Bean Casserole

Easy Green Bean Casserole

Do you have a favorite easy green bean casserole recipe?  This is mine.  It’s super easy, fast and it tastes delicious.

Here’s how I make it:

Start with all of your ingredients:  I like the French style green beans, a can of cream of mushroom condensed soup, soy sauce, milk and French fried onions…..

Drain your green beans….

Add the can of soup…..

Then add a half of can of milk…..

A teaspoon of soy sauce….

As much black pepper as you can stand.  For me it’s a LOT.

Mix that all together…..

Add in half OR all of the French fried onions.  Just remember that you’ll want to add more to the top later.  So maybe you should buy two…..

Pour into a greased baking pan and bake for 20 minutes until its hot and bubbling.  Then put on the rest of your French fried onions and bake for another 10 minutes.

Or until it looks like this.  YUM.Easy Green Bean Casserole

And voila!  Here’s the handy dandy printable.

Easy Green Bean Casserole

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes


  • 2 cans french style green beans, drained
  • 1 (10.5 ounce can) cream of mushroom condensed soup
  • 1/2 can milk
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper, or more to your taste
  • 1 or 2 (6 ounce bags) french fried onions


  • Mix everything EXCEPT your reserved french fried onions together and pour into a greased baking dish.
  • Bake at 350* for 20 minutes until hot and bubbly.
  • Sprinkle the reserved french fried onions over the top and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
  • If you can wait for it to slightly cool, do that. Then enjoy!

Easy Green Bean Casserole


What’s for Supper? 01.04.21

What’s for supper at your house this week?

Hello friends!  How are you?  Isn’t it lovely to see that date?  I’m always just thankful to see another day; life is a gift.  I want to try to make the most of it and that involves eating better to fuel my body to function the best it can for as long it can.  All of that to say, I want to make a concerted effort this year to sit down each month and actually PLAN our meals with the hope that I’ll get more green things into our bodies on a more regular basis.

Here’s to plans, and sticking to them!

What we ate last week in no particular order:

Hot dogs.  Yum.  I don’t remember why I didn’t get my chili on this one, but I made it.  And look:  something green!

Potato soup, with buttered bread, broccoli salad and slow cooker little smokies.  

Taco salad, chips and salsa and a bean and cheese burrito.  

Soup beans.  My favorite.  With a side of salmon, Mac and cheese, roasted potatoes and fried mushrooms.

Subway.  I love these occasionally.  And it contains green peppers, so that counts.  Right?

Pizza Hut.  Again.  We are desperate for our pizza joint to open back up.  Or I just need to buckle down and make pizza myself again.

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What's for Supper?

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

Fry Sauce

Fry Sauce

I am back with another “recipe” that’s really not a recipe.  But, it’s so good that I wanted to share it with you in case you’ve never tried it.

We love to dip our fries at our house.  Ketchup, honey mustard, barbecue, ranch – each one of us has a favorite.  But this sauce is one that Denton and I make over and over.

Here’s how I make it:

Start with your favorite mayo.  Have you tried this Heinze Real Mayonnaise?  We like it almost as much as our favorite Hellmann’s.

Start with a tablespoon of your favorite mayo….

Add a tablespoon of your favorite ketchup….. Add in as much Sriracha as you can stand.  For me it’s very little, but for Denton and Liv it’s at least a teaspoon.  I would start with 1/4 teaspoon and see how hot you want it to be.

Splash in some Worcestershire sauce…..Or if you are Denton, leave it out and add mustard instead…..

And make a big mess while you stir it all together!

You can serve it with fries, but we love it with roasted potatoes and pigs in the blanket too.  Let me know what you like it with!

Fry sauce

And voila!  Here’s the handy dandy printable.

Fry Sauce

Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes


  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp ketchup
  • 1/4 tsp sriracha sauce
  • 1/4 tsp tsp worcestershire sauce


  • Add all of the ingredients together and dip! You can change anything and everything in this "recipe". Denton usually adds mustard to his and leaves out the worcestershire sauce. Whatever floats your boat! Enjoy!


What’s for Supper?

What’s for supper at your house this week?

Hello friends!  How are you?  The holidays rolled in and I completely concentrated on what was right in front of me, so you are getting two weeks instead of one today.  I hope that you got to eat something fabulous over the holidays!  If you did, let me know what it was, please!

Here’s what we ate last week in no particular order:

A variation on my Monte Cristo sandwiches with the soup of your choice straight out of the can.  My pick was vegetable beef.  It doesn’t look very appetizing, but it tasted delicious.

We tried a new to us Chinese restaurant.  It was really good!

Burgers with fries and onion rings.  I rarely make the effort to stand over the stove and make fries or onion rings, so you know this was a special occasion.

Mini meatloaf with mashed potatoes, green beans, fried mushrooms, and perfect boiled eggs.

Crock pot turkey, baked potatoes, and canned cranberry sauce with leftover bread sticks.  Yum!

Leftover turkey on buns, with chips, cashews and blueberries.  Delicious.

Here’s what we ate the week before:

Simple spaghetti with garlic bread.  I also made a giant salad but sadly forgot to include the picture.

Ham sandwiches with chips, pickles, tomatoes and the last bite of avocado.  

Soup beans with roasted veggies, Mac and cheese and my favorite salmon.  

A giant salad with shrimp scampi with orecchiette and buttered bread.  Yum.

I found a new to us kind of steak in the clearance section of my Food Lion.  They were fine.  But they definitely weren’t Ribeyes.  Baked potatoes are always a hit with cucumbers and almost burned crescent rolls.  I also made a sauce to go with the steaks.  It was REALLY good.

Hot dogs with chili, chips and broccoli salad.  LOVE.

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What's for supper?

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.