31 Simple Days: March Update 03.24.19

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It’s time for another update!  I would love to tell you that I’ve walked for 30 minutes every single day this month, but that would be a LIE, so I won’t.  I have actually walked every day, but most days I haven’t made it to the thirty minute mark.  Ten minutes here, five minutes there….  Yes, it adds up, but I have to say, when I am consistent with at least 30 minutes I can tell a major difference in the way I feel.

The weather is finally edging it’s way towards Spring.  Yay!!!  Which means, longer daylight hours, warmer temperatures and lovely smells to entice me outside more.  This should help with getting more steps into my day.  In case you didn’t know – I LOVE SPRING!  I want to live where it’s spring all year long, with a long, long fall too.  Just in case you were wondering….

On one of our many quick ten minute walks yesterday, we saw five jets in the sky at once.  I’m pretty sure that’s a record for me.  How many jets have you seen at once?  I said on my Instagram page that these are the burning questions in my mind, hahahaha.

In other news, I have made great strides in my endeavor to put things away.  Honestly people, you wouldn’t believe what active decluttering does for my space.  And my peace of mind.

Example:  I took everything, EVERYTHING off of my bathroom counters and made a specific space for all of that stuff.  If it didn’t have a home, I either found it a place to live or it went to live with someone else.  Now my drawers will actually close, the counter can be cleaned at a moment’s notice – which is amazing – and it just makes me happy to know that my toothbrush is in the left hand drawer (have you seen that episode of Mythbuster’s?!) and that my glasses are hanging on my magnifying mirror because otherwise I can’t find them when I take out my contacts.

It’s very, very satisfying for everything to have a place.  I am slowly going through my entire house, which will take me approximately forever, but it’s still progress.

Three months into this year and I’m still doing my dishes.  It helps that I have made a huge dent in the decluttering in this area too.  If I don’t own it, I don’t have to clean it.  Which makes me happy.  My routine at this moment, which could change, is that I make sure each morning to run my dishwasher.  This does many good things for me.  It gets all the dirty dishes out of my sink, which can be clean for the day and it ensures that we will have beautiful, shiny clean dishes to eat supper from that evening!  Winning!

Is it a perfect system?  Nope.  Do I do it every.single.day?  Most days, I do.  Which is shocking to me, and horrifying to most of you, I know.  But, it’s my reality and I’m happy with a kitchen that is clean 95% of the time.  Also, my family isn’t complaining which is a good thing, because my response would be “go clean the kitchen”.  They are keeping mum about it.  I take that to mean that they are happy with my system too.

So.  I am reporting success with my habit building so far this year.  It’s not perfect, but that’s life.  I’m happy with the progress I’ve made in all the areas I’ve tackled so far.  Also, this could be spring fever talking instead of my brain.  Either way, I’m happy.

Do you have plans to make simple changes in your life this year?  I would love to hear  about it!  How’s it going so far?

You can find all of the posts in this series here.

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