68 Things I NO Longer Need

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Yesterday I quickly gathered up the items that were sitting and waiting to be delivered to our Salvation Army and Liv and I dropped them off just before they closed for the day.  It’s getting easier and easier to get this taken care of.   I don’t know why exactly it’s become easier; maybe I’ve just developed a proper routine where this is concerned.

Here are the 68 items that can now go live with a new family!

Magazines.  Always, my magazines.

Liv went through her vast, and I mean vast Barbie collection – about four YEARS ago – and decided what she would keep for posterity.  None of these made the cut.  And they have been sitting in my bedroom in a box in the closet ever since.  You seriously don’t want to see my closet right now.  I had no idea that they were there.  Side note:  those really tall, bald Barbie’s make me think of the alien from Prometheus.  Yes, I know not all of these are BARBIES, but all dolls that look like this are Barbie’s at my house.  Just like all soft drinks are Coke.

Or these.  Some little kid will be happy. 

I am still working my way through the piles and piles of clothes that Liv discarded when she had her last major clean out.

It’s so much easier at tax time if I donate them a few bags at a time.  Do you itemize?  It can be overwhelming if I donate it all at once. 

More clothes!

And last but not least.   A pad of grocery lists.  I find that most of the time it takes me longer to shop with a prepared list like this because there is so much on it that I don’t need.  I just keep myrunning list in a notebook from week to week.

My wireless mouse.  I hated this thing.  I bought a new mouse with a cord and now this one can go drive someone else insane with the number of batteries it eats.

Okay, that’s what I hauled away yesterday.  Are you getting rid of things you no longer need?  I would love to hear about it!

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