Be the Good 10.17.19

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All you have to do is turn on the news for literally 30 seconds to find out all of the terrible, harrowing and disturbing things that are happening in our world.  Everyday I try to find something good that someone is doing in our universe to tell my kids about.  Because we need to hear about the good things to offset all of the bad.

P. Graham Dunn Be The Good Natural Rustic 6 x 1.5 Mini Pine Wood Tabletop Sign Plaque

And then I decided to tell you all about it too.  Maybe you need a lift in your day, a chuckle that isn’t at anyone’s expense, or you just need to take a break from the reality that is our everyday lives.  Anywho, here are some things that might make your day a little brighter.

Image result for Florida Man Donates Nearly $1,000 to Pay Off Entire Town's School Lunch Debt

Andrew Levy found out that over 400 students in the Jupiter area of Florida wouldn’t receive a full lunch because of their school cafeteria debt.  They would receive a cheese sandwich (which my kids would probably have preferred, hahaha), but it bothered him.  So he paid $944.34 to clear the debt for the children in all nine schools.  Yay for Mr. Levy.

The wedding gown made from a WWII parachute that had saved the groom’s life after he jumped from his B-29 bomber …

In 1944, Major Claude Hensinger and his crew had to bail out of their B29 bomber after the engine caught fire.  After landing, the parachute kept him warm until they were rescued by a Chinese man who took him and his crew to safety.  When he proposed to Ruth, instead of giving her a ring, he gave her the parachute that saved his life and asked to her to make her wedding gown from it.  You can see the gown at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.  Which, BTW, if you’ve never been, you have to go, it’s amazing.

couple weight loss journey

Ronnie Browser at his heaviest weighed in at 675 pounds.  Andrea Masella was on a weight loss journey for herself.  Her heaviest was 250 pounds.  They started dating after having conversations at the gym, where they lost a combined total of 598 pounds together.  Their wedding was set to happen at the beginning of October.

And when all else fails……go and watch a couple of cute animal videos.  They never fail to bring a smile to my face.  I hope you are having an excellent week.

2 thoughts on “Be the Good 10.17.19

  1. Love the parachute story. How romantic!
    Yep, the Smithsonian is awesome and HUGE!
    Our week is ending on a good note. We hosted a soldier going to Ranger school (Ft. Benning) for three days before school begins. What a delight! We enjoy doing this for many reasons. Our soldiers are a treasure!

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