Learning to use the Pressure Washer.

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wp-1478655236699.jpgHave you ever used a pressure washer?  I hadn’t, until Election day.  I spent an hour making everything (everything being the sidewalk, stoop, front door and entryway of the house) shiny and clean.  It was amazing.

Denton and I bought this pressure washer over a year ago, but I wouldn’t let him use it because I wanted to learn, and I kept talking myself out it because I had made the whole thing so big in my mind…..  Do you do things like that?  For instance, I hate to load the dishwasher.  It has to be done, but I put it off and put it off because it’s going to TAKE SO LONG.  I timed myself one day.  Four minutes.  Seriously.  From start to finish, a full load, four minutes.

So.  Election day I met Denton at the front door and forced asked him to show me how to use it.  That took approximately 8 seconds.  Oh and the instant gratification!  Look.

wp-1478655242058.jpgwp-1478805244718.jpgIsn’t that amazing?  I love it when things are easy!  Here are more beautiful photos of my clean concrete for you to enjoy.

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Yes, painting the outside entryway is next on my to-do list.


I just couldn’t get over the difference it makes.  I love my pressure washer.  All of the things should be very afraid.

What did you do on Election day?

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