Old is new again.

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wp-1474896510637.jpgMy family and I went home again this weekend.  My brother and his family are moving into my Mama and Daddy’s old house.  That’s what we call it.  The old house.  We don’t call my Mom and Dad’s new house the new house.  It’s just the house.  Do you do that?  Name things in your mind automatically?

We spent the weekend cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.  Painting, and cleaning some more.  Putting up beds, and cleaning again.  There were renters in the house before and my mother said she had never see such a nasty mess.  One of my aunt’s who does home health laughed and said “You haven’t see anything”!  She said it looked like it was spotless compared to some of the places she has gone into.  That actually makes me shudder.

I didn’t get one single photo of the cleaning process, but I did take lots and lots of cloud photos with my phone!

wp-1474896544142.jpgBut, it’s cleaner now and moving towards the end goal which is to get everyone moved in and settled.  The next time we go home will be closer to Thanksgiving which is when we have Christmas with my family.  I can’t wait to give my nephew his present, he’s going to love it!  He’s fourteen and getting a full drum set.  It’s been a dream of his for years to learn to play the drums and this is something we had at home that wasn’t being used, so killing two birds with one stone.  We gain some room in our house and he gets to try something he desperately want to do.  Everyone’s happy.  Except for his brother and sister’s when he starts practicing all the time!

wp-1474896584843.jpgEverything is still so green towards home.  Here in our tiny town (we are almost five hours away from my hometown) everything is beginning to have a brown haze to it.  I don’t know if our leaves will actually have color this year or if they will just gasp their last breath and fall dead to the floor of the forest.  We had almost no rain this entire summer, so it’s a crapshoot as to what the foliage will look like in October.

wp-1474896528361.jpgWhat’s going on in your part of the world today?



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