Randomness on a Thursday.

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I found this post (from the middle of July) in my drafts and realized that I hadn’t hit publish because I was waiting on myself to insert a photo.  Seriously, does anyone else ever do things like this?  Anyway, the temperatures are not much different right now.  I am so ready for fall!


It is so hot here.  100* degrees hot, with 95 percent humidity.  I am not a lover of summer to begin with, but when you have to drink your air instead of breathing it…..  I am so ready for fall.  And Lord, please, fall needs to last for about six months, please!

Here are some thoughts about random things happening in my world right now.


I couldn’t figure out why my eggs were freezing in the refrigerator.  Then I noticed that the fridge control had been turned down to 33*.  I thought, how in the world did that happen.  Hayden walked into the room about that time and said “I did it”.

Me:  Why?!?

Hayden:  Because my Coke wasn’t very cold.

He hates ice in his drinks and his coca-cola was not cold enough, so therefore the fridge needed to be set to just above freezing.  Teenagers!  Teenagers who don’t pay bills yet!

wp-1469664933536.jpgBears attacking motorcycles.  That’s TEETH marks punctured through the gas tank.  This actually happened to my husband.  You can go read all about it here.

beeI got nailed by a yellow jacket last week.  I haven’t been stung by a bee in years, but this one latched on and wouldn’t let go.  When I finally stopped hopping around and screaming I had to physically scrape it off of my leg.  Good times!

I don’t know if its because I didn’t remember what it felt like to have a bee sting, or if I’m just a wimp now, but the physical pain was astounding to me!  It initially stopped hurting about 20 minutes after the sting, but then the waves of pain would come back and recede for the next 24 hours or so.  Crazy!

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Our house is full of teenagers this week.  We have my niece and nephew, woo-hoo! for a week each summer.  To beat the heat or at least try not to die in it, we are planning to hike down to the bottom of the falls.  We try to do this every summer, and they are looking forward to it.  You should go if you’re ever in the vicinity.  It’s awesome!

Movies, movies, movies.  When we have a houseful of teenagers, we generally spend a couple of hours every evening binging on movies.  Last year we watched all of the Jaws movies.

This year we’ve watched TomorrowlandThe 5th Wave and I think tonight it will either be Batman v. Superman or MockingJay Part 2.

That’s all I’ve got.  It’s too hot to think!  Have a great week!



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