The Compendium | March 14

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1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

“Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

This week I didn’t take a photo of anything that he tried to eat.  Not that he didn’t try to eat things other than his food and treats, I just didn’t get a photo of it.  However:

I posted this on my instagram.  I know, I have no shame.  This is what happens when you don’t vacuum for a week and half.  I have been vacuuming the den on Mondays and I got a stomach bug last week, so it didn’t get done.  Denton told me that I was going to blow up my Dyson.  I certainly hope not…..

I said its a good thing he’s so pretty.

Spring is coming!

Our lady was soaking up the sunshine.  We are supposed to get freezing rain on Tuesday, so we will enjoy the springtime while we’ve got it.  Right Hazel?  Right.

Our doorbell has seen better days, so I ordered a replacement and put it in a few days ago.

I was being blinded by the sun scorching my retinas and didn’t notice that it was crooked until I stepped back to take this photo and realized that I would need to take it completely apart and redo it. Sigh.

Much better now.  Have you ever noticed that when you finish one project there is another glaring out at you to get onto next?  Trim, your time is coming.  Not today, but soon.  Progress over perfection.  I have claimed The Flylady’s moto for my own.  Otherwise I would just curl up with a book and never do anything.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?  I feel much better this week.  I hope none of you end up with whatever I had, it put me in the bed for two days and took me more days than that to recover.  I’m glad to be back!

Also the time change and the dog are kicking my petunia.  It doesn’t matter what the clock says, it’s time to get up and go see what we can see, says Zack.  I’ve never been a coffee drinker but I think my time has come to start taking it up……

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

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