The day our family saved Batman.

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I am Batman.

Oh Batman.  Our lives haven’t been the same since we first saw you.

Let me set the stage for you.  Our family has always had a cat.  A. Cat.

Our first cat in our small family was Fozzie.   We had her for 11 years before she suddenly died.

It took my small kids almost a year to get over her death.  We had had Fozzie longer than our kids at that time.  😉

My husband in his wisdom when they started clamoring for another kitty said “We aren’t getting another cat unless it’s a calico”.  Thinking he was smart, because we didn’t know anyone with a calico and hadn’t seen any for free!  When we were moving to our new town almost eight years ago, on our last trip to the local dump, low and behold here sits a few months old calico kitten.    Not even a week after making his declaration. My husband is learning to be more specific, Lord.

Cali (yes we are very original) LOVES my son.  She loves everybody in our family, but she LOVES my son.  And my daughter has pined for years now for her own love.

She finally wore her father down and off to the shelter we go to try and find her perfect gray kitten that she knows will complete her life.  And love HER best.  Here is what we got instead.


He is definitely not gray.  But he does love her best.  Koshka, which is cat in Russian.  (again with the originality).  (No – we are not Russian, my kids just like languages.)  My daughters baby who only weighed 1.5 pounds when we adopted him.  We’ll tell his story another day.

So while we are at the shelter picking out the love of her life, we see this big boy.


Batman.  The shelter didn’t really know anything about him.  He had a brother who died.  Poor batman, he’s had a hard life so far.  Both of his ears are mangled.  I thought he was deaf at first, but he can definitely hear when you put food in his bowl.

He is such a sweetheart.  If you need a lovable furry friend, I highly recommend that you schedule a trip to your local animal shelter.  Just be prepared to come home with more than one!

Because Batman has chosen my husband as his very favorite human, my daughter says that I need my very own cat, too.  Hubby says no. way.

Besides, we also have two dogs….*smile*

Have you ever adopted a pet from a shelter?

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