Weird Sightings. Boys with Cinder-blocks.

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We have a wonderful trail to use in the county that we live in.  It’s next to a lovely river.  It used to be an old railroad bed that was discontinued and the county turned it into a scenic trail for everyone to use.  You can ride horses, bicycles, walk and run on the trail.  It’s awesome and my family uses it at least 5 days a week.  But, that’s another post.


Today, Denton and I were doing our normal 5K and on the way back to our vehicle we met three teenage boys.  One of them had on a backpack.  Another was carrying a case of Cup of Noodles.  And the last had a gallon of water.  All three were carrying a cinder-block.  They were very polite, they all smiled and said hello and continued on past us.  Hmmmm.

Denton and I looked at one another and he laughed and said “I’m not even going to ask!”.


I’m telling you people I can’t even make up stuff like this!  I seriously wanted to ask them if I could take their picture for my blog – but I figured they were on a mission and couldn’t take the time.

I would love to know where they were headed and what they were going to do once they were there.  Build a fire and sit around on their cinder-blocks and cook up their Cup of Noodles?


I guess we’ll never know, unless my son knows them from school and they talk about it!  Then I’ll give you an update.

Have you seen and weird sightings lately?

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