What’s for Supper? Weekly Meal Plan 04.15.19

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It’s a brand new week!  Spring is flying by and it’s going to be summer before I’m ready.  But today, at least in my part of Virginia we are having Redbud winter.  Our high today was 46* and in the morning we will have a low of 36*.  In the same day our temperatures will also get up to 77* tomorrow afternoon.  Isn’t the weather in Virginia amazing!  And that’s your weekly weather update.

Last week I was late (as usual) in getting out my weekly menu post and I received a lovely text from my brother.  He was wondering if he had missed it.  I love him so, so much.  If you feel like you are talking to yourself sometimes, just know that someone somewhere is listening.  Just like the little ears in your house every time you stub your toe.

Adam is one of the best human’s I know.  I miss him terribly.  I am so thankful for the technology we have that allows me to talk to him instantly, whenever I want even if it’s just a text.  Can you imagine what it was like for our ancestors who immigrated here from wherever in the world they came from?  Letters were their only hope of communication once they left their homes…..I can’t imagine the grief they felt for that separation.

Now that I’ve made everyone cry……

Here’s what we ate last week:

Monday   Baked fish, roasted potatoes, onions and sweet peppers.

Tuesday   Garlic pasta, chicken and broccoli.  This was absolutely amazing!  Let me know if you want the recipe.   It’s fast, simple and tastes divine.  My kind of recipe.

Wednesday   Taco’s, bean burritos, and chips with salsa

Thursday   Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, roasted onions and carrots, cornbread muffins and coleslaw

Friday   Papa John’s pizza!

Saturday   Leftovers! Yay!

Sunday   Soup beans, roasted potatoes, onions, and asparagus, mac and cheese and salmon

What’s for supper at your house?  What are you going to eat this week?




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