When something doesn’t work, change it.

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I am a very follow the list type A person.  I like lists.   And I like checking things off of said lists.  It keeps me calm – most of the time.  I like knowing what’s going to happen.  At all times.  Poor Denton.  He is definitely not a list maker and checker off’er.

All of that to say that I am going to change how I document my What’s for supper? category.  It just isn’t working.

Now you are going to think I’m crazy, because I just laid out for you how I love my lists and following them.  But there is a caveat.

Each week I make a meal plan on paper.  To do that, I check to see what’s on sale.  I also check to see what I have on hand.  Then I quickly come up with at least six days of meals.

I love being able to quickly look back at what we’ve had to eat for supper, because this way I can try, try, to change things up occasionally.  Since all the other’s in blog-land post their weekly meal plans ahead of time, this is what I’ve been doing too.  Only, it’s not working for me.

For all of my list making and checking off, I have rarely  stuck to what I laid out for the week.  If I come home and have had a mentally exhausting day, I do NOT want to spend an hour in the kitchen.  So, I’ll change my roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, green beans, corn bread, and coleslaw to tuna sandwiches that night.  I can be flexible, it just has to be on my terms apparently.  What I’m trying to say, is I like having a go-to list of meals that I have everything on hand to prepare each week.

To soothe my write it down, so I’ll have access to it later soul, instead of being like everyone else in the land, I’m going to wait and give myself and you a monthly review of what I ACTUALLY prepared each day in a month.  Aren’t you so happy about this!  I am.

February is already making me less stressed.  Does anyone else hyperventilate over the fact that you wrote down baked chicken with baked potatoes and garlic bread and you actually had sloppy joes instead?  No?  Just me?

That’s okay.  I can live with that.

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