30 Simple Days

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This year I have decided to make permanent, simple changes in my life.  As the calendar year rolls onward, I will become 46 years old in January.  I’m going to say become, because it sounds like I’m embracing it, right?  You can’t stop the flow of time without dying, and I have a lot of living left, so this is how I’m choosing to think of it.

All of that to say, that in the past 45 years, I have discovered quite a few things about myself.  One of the big things that seems small is that I do NOT like abrupt, big changes in my life.  They happen, but I don’t want to embrace them.  So I sat down towards the end of December and seriously thought about some of the things I would like to change in this coming year.

Over the years, I’ve read a lot of books, articles, and blog posts; I’ve listened to people’s opinions; I’ve even watched YouTube videos about how to create a habit.  What I have gleaned is this:  You need to be consistent.  You need to be accountable.  You need to focus.  Not necessarily in that order.

One of the things that I know now about myself, is that if I make small, almost not noticeable changes, I can stick with it.  So, taking in everyone else’s opinions, the books, the blog posts that people have written and all of the YouTube videos in the land, I’m going to spend 30 days each month making a small change in my life.  Small changes = big results over time.

I was very careful to not state this as a set of goals for myself.  I’ve set goals in the past, and failed miserably at them.  I am hoping that using these parameters I can make permanent, lasting changes that will transform my life, one small habit at a time.  And trick my brain into not understanding that they are actually goals.  Haha.

January 1st I’ll let you know what I have chosen to focus on for the first 30 days of 2019.  Are you making changes (shhh, goals) in the new year?  I would love to hear about it!


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