31 Simple Days: March Update

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I wanted to do better with updates this month, so here we go!  I’ve been walking for at least 30 minutes every single day so far this month.  I have to say, having a dog that needs exercise has helped tremendously in this endeavor.  If Oreo wasn’t so gung-ho every day to do our mile and a half loop, I would definitely be sitting somewhere comfy with a book in my hand.

It is COLD here in Virginia right now.  I’m not complaining too loudly, because – SUMMER is coming.  Lord help me.  And as long as I dress correctly, I don’t even feel it most days.  One of the ladies in my neighborhood who I meet almost every time we are out, either in the neighborhood or on the trail, pulled up beside us yesterday and rolled down her car window to talk to us.  She said, “Girl, you are dedicated!” and I responded, “No, no I am not.  Oreo is!”  Hahahaha.  It was 19* I think.  But it looked so beautiful.

Rain, sleet, snow, sunshine, warm or cold, Oreo is ready at least four to five times a day to go find an adventure.  You never know what you are going to see.  Or what friends you will find.  He loves the new golden doodle that lives down our street now.  But he does NOT love the wrinkle dog that loops around our way sometimes.

I can’t wait for everything to start greening up.

One of the benefits of getting outside every.single.day is that my pants are slightly looser.  I hope by the end of the month that they are a LOT looser than they are now.  It would help if I didn’t shove an Oreo cookie in my mouth while I’m cooking supper, but.  Most days I just feel like I need an Oreo cookie.

If you want to keep up with our  daily walks, you can usually find a photo on my Instagram.  I love it over there.

So, are you walking or running or doing something completely different to make your pants looser in the month of March?  I would love to hear about it.

Do you have plans to make simple changes in your life this year?  I would love to hear  about it!  How’s it going so far?

You can find all of the posts in this series here.

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