Clearing Out the Clutter. Week 14 of 52.

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I was supposed to start this at the beginning of the year.  sigh.  To keep myself accountable.  And to actually make sure that I was getting rid of all the stuff that we no longer need.  My trash is someone else’s treasure.

This is what I took to our local Salvation Army today.

Two phones that we don’t use anymore.  A basket that served it’s purpose and a purse post-it note dispenser.  What?!? was I doing with that!


We also cleaned out one of my son’s shelves in his room.  A tonka double-sided car.  My baby is 18 years old.  Wow, I need to have him clean out shelves more often.


Coloring books that were never used.  3D glasses.  Tech deck’s that were never taken out of the package.   A partially used air scent thingy.   A 3D pirate puzzle.  Sea Monkey’s that were never taken out of the package.  (Sorry Mom!)  And a couple of card games.


Books, books, and more books.  And a wallet.


Never you Sampson!  How did that get in here?


What did you send away to another home this week?

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