Decluttering ~ 03.11.19

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This is the space that I am devoting to documenting my decluttering journey.  You can find all of the other posts here.

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I am back with another round of donations!  I’ve been collecting things and piling them in a corner of my living room for a couple of week now.  Classy, I know.

We have separate area in our living room where my childhood piano lives and it’s just a handy spot to put everything.  Where do you store your donations until it’s time to haul them away?  I am VERY hesitant to plunk them in my garage, because, hello.  They would just live there forever, wouldn’t they?  Yes, they would.

I have my white wicker laundry basket that lives in my closet for the clothes that are going away, but it’s not big enough to hold everything that I’m donating; so it all migrates to the piano landing in the living room.  Not ideal, but it works for now.

Let’s see what is going to live with another family this week:

Liv has been clearing out her closet again.

She hasn’t grown in ten years, but styles change…

Books, a random Christmas ornament, a bracelet, and a bottle of detangler.   Since Liv’s hair is as short as Hayden’s, I think we can let this go to someone with hair.  Not me.  I only use a Wetbrush – otherwise, I would NEVER brush my hair.  Have you tried one?  It’s something that should be on your must buy list!

Magazines that have been read can now go onto someone else.  These I have held onto, because they are Cooking Light magazines.  Which I love.  But, I haven’t opened them again since I read them the first time.  They have to go.

I posted on Instagram that I *might* be a hoarder.  Children’s books, that were not the kids favorites.  (Except for Brown Bear, and guess what!?  This is an extra copy!)  Sigh.

None of these made the cut either.  Are you interested in what I actually kept for my non-existent future grand-children that my kids keep telling me I am not going to have?  Maybe I’ll do a post about them.  The books, that is.

This picture.  I inherited this from my Mama.  It’s Home Interior.  “Someone” broke the glass in it.  It also could have been “It wasn’t me”, but “No one” is taking the blame.  Yes, I could find a piece of glass to replace it, but I’ll let someone else do that.

More things that I found that need to live with someone else.

And even more things that are taking up space in my house….

Look!  I have culled out five cookbooks.  I can’t look for long, because my hands are already itching to put them back.

The more I declutter, I find that I don’t need other things that were HOLDING things.

Curtains, pillow shams, a shower curtain, and other bits and bobs.

Even more random items….

MORE backpacks…..

A quilt rack that I have moved from place to place, that actually has no place.

My giant cutting board.  Oh man.  I have a lot of cutting boards, but this one, you guys.  It’s 25 X 18 inches and I love it.  But I got it wet and and the wood is slightly separated now.  It’s fine for looks, but my cutting boards actually need to function, so this one can grace someone else’s countertop as a pretty thing.  I have to replace this one ASAP.  The other ones just aren’t big enough for my everyday cutting.  Yes, I did know that I am a very picky person.  Please don’t email me to let me know that you noticed.

And that’s it for this week.  There is more stuff just waiting for me to bag it up and stuff it into the Pilot, but this stuff is actually going straight to the Salvation Army today.  What have you hauled away recently?  Do tell.


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