Decluttering again.

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This is the space that I am devoting to documenting my decluttering journey.  You can find all of the other posts here.

I’m back into the groove of getting all of the things that we don’t love and want to surround us out of the house.  It’s been quite a while and the donation pile has grown substantially.  Like, its turned into Marjory the trash heap on Fraggle Rock and its taking over my bedroom.  No worries!  It’s almost FALL and I’m in a decluttering mood again, so it will all find a new home soon.

Let’s see what’s going to live with someone else:

As always, we have too.many.things.  Such as coffee mugs.  And a standing rib roaster that I’ve never in the seven years I’ve owned it used.  My poor digital crock pot.  I broke the sleeve in it, but there is nothing wrong with the crock pot.  I asked them before I donated it, and they said no problem.  Someone will pay a couple of dollars for it.  And wouldn’t you know it, two days later I found a sleeve at a yard sale.  Oh well.  It’s a good thing I already had a backup. 🙄. No, I didn’t buy the sleeve as another backup, but I had to force myself to leave it there.  Yes, I know I have a problem….

I’ve been going through my cookbooks again.  I told my Mama, if I haven’t picked it up in the last year and I know that they have it at one of my local libraries it is going to go live with someone else.  I’ve also been burning through my magazine collection.

Another spare colander and more candles for the candle making lady….

More extras:  a vase, a diffuser that only works as a nightlight now, and an extra digital photo frame.

Even more candles, bowls, and knick knacks.  I bought this tuna squisher because it looked more useful than the one I’ve had for the past 24 years and it wouldn’t go into the tuna can!  Can you believe that.  So maybe it’s not a tuna drainer.  Any ideas what it was actually for?  ( I looked it up and apparently you are supposed to cover the top of the can with this type of drainer.  With mine I can set it inside the tuna can to squish the heck out of the tuna like I like to do.  Life is all about preference, isn’t it?  Hahaha.)

More extra bowls, saucers, and baking pans.  I’m trying my best to cull everything down to what I need and want…..

Two MORE lamp shades, I swear they are multiplying in my hidey holes.  A knife block that I hate having on my counter.  I use one of these in my kitchen drawer and I LOVE it.  I also have discovered that I am a knife hoarder.  The things you discover about yourself as you are decluttering….  More candles, corn on the cob holders that no one uses but me and Hayden because Denton and Liva cut theirs off the cob – oh and I have another set of 24.  Just in case we have 12 people over to eat corn.

And last but never least, MORE CANDLES and jars.

That’s it for our donations last week.

What have you hauled away recently?  Do tell.


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