Goals for the Week.

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wp-1479747261299.jpgI have a lot things to get accomplished this week.  I deal with things best if I have a list I can go down and check things off of.  It calms my mind.  Or at least that’s what I tell myself.   Here goes for this week.

  1. Put up all of the Christmas decorations before we leave for my parents.
  2. Wrap all the presents that we will be taking with us.  (We have Christmas at Thanksgiving with my family.)
  3. Finish Maximus’s duvet cover.  This is a last minute Christmas gift that I decided to sew for my nephew.  He is crazy over the Dallas Cowboys just like his daddy.  So far, it’s driving me bonkers.  I hate the seam ripper, or at least I do now.  I didn’t before, but I truly do now.  I’ll try to remember to make a post about this project.
  4. Make a list of things I need to pick up at the grocery store before we land at my parents.
  5. Scrub all three bathrooms.
  6. Vacuum the entire upstairs.  I hate to vacuum.  I can’t wait until the carpet comes out!
  7. Pack.  Ugh.
  8. Stop by the liquor store and pick up a couple of bottles for presents.

What’s on your to-do list this week?


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