Decluttering my life.

It’s a new year!  And it’s time to resume clearing out all of the things that I do not need taking up space inside my home and life.  It can all go live with someone who wants it, needs it and loves it.  So let’s see what I’m donating to someone else:

I’ve started culling through the books.  I have decided that books that have been read and that I know are available at our local library don’t need to be taking up space that other unread books can replace.  Yes, it’s wrenching, but there is only so much space in my house….

A lovely leather folio.  It’s red y’all!  I love it.  But I DO NOT use it.  Ever.  I had it stuffed in a cabinet.  So it has to go.  I offered it to everyone I know and no one else needed a lovely red folio either….

leather folio


Clothes that no ones needs or wants….

More extras.  I don’t know why….Yes, I do.  I love dishes.  Also, why do you need all of the extras that come with things.  What I mean is this:  I bought Denton a smoothie maker.  He uses it everyday.  But it came with at least seven or eight of those cups.  Why?!?  I asked him if I could get rid of some of them, because they are

I have too many things….Example:  This Longaberger terracotta bread warmer.  Have I ever used this thing?  No.  How long have I had it?  Uhmm, half a decade possibly.  These are also excellent Martha Stewart 18/10 stainless steel skillets.  But I have two full drawers of stainless steel skillets and that is not counting all of my cast iron.  Too.Much.Stuff.

Tupperware.  It breeds while I sleep.  And this baking pan has lovely handles, but it doesn’t fit with my other baking pans because of the said lovely handles.  So it needs to go.  Who doesn’t have an extra shower head hanging around?  Actually this one was in Hayden and Olivia’s bathroom until I started gutting it.  I bought a new one with a rainhead shower for their new bathroom.  Which I was VERY excited about.  Denton thinks it’s ridiculous.  Anywho, I’m pretty sure I have another one of these downstairs in Denton’s bathroom……You’ll probably see it soon, I haven’t made it to that room yet.

More Christmas stuff.  A digital photo holder that I never use, a lovely clock and a diffuser that I don’t like.

Lamps.  I have a thing about lamps.


Another dry erase board – this one is a calendar.  But I already have a giant one that I use every day, so why do I have this one that was collecting dust behind my desk?  More pampered chef tupperware.  Pampered chef makes quality stuff.  Here is my issue with this  thing:  It Is HUGE.  It takes up so much space that I cringe every time I see it, which makes me not want to put it in my fridge.  So it sits in my dining room, lurking there.  Just pining to be used.  And I’m never going to use it again, because it takes up too much space.

Suitcase!  I bought everyone a new suitcase at the beginning of the year.  This one has served me well, so now it can go and serve someone else well too.Candle holders and candles for the candle making lady.  I am going to finally learn to only buy the couple of candles that I love and stop “trying out” new scents.  At my house we love Paris Cafe from Bath and Body Works and maybe a couple of others.  That’s it.  delcutteringAnd finally my beloved magazines.  They do bring me great joy and now I will send them off to be enjoyed by someone else.

Are you decluttering?  Does it make you happy every time you drop things off?  It makes me VERY HAPPY!