Rolled towels

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I usually have to live with something new for a while to see if it’s actually going to work for me and my family.  Then, by the time I’ve figured out that it’s a fantastic idea I forget to tell you about it!

Here is one that has been working very well for me.

rolled towels

Rolling my towels.  I have struggled for years to find a system that works for our towels in the linen closet.  If I stacked them neatly – no matter which method of folding and stacking – they inevitably always end up a total mess.

Rolling them and then stacking them seems to work for us.  When we reach in to take one, even if someone is reaching for a favorite on the bottom, the whole lot of them doesn’t come tumbling down.

Will it work for the next forty years?  Maybe.  Or maybe not.  I’ll let you know!

P.S.  Yes, we love beach towels in our bathroom.  I find that “normal” towels are very bulky and don’t dry as well as beach towels.  I’ve been reading a lot about linen towels like these, but I can’t bite the bullet and spend that much money on a towel that no one will ever see but my family when a beach towel works and I already have them. 😀

rolled towels

You can find my other Quick Tips here.

Quick Tip: Keeping Your Hands Clean at the Grocery Store

A few weeks ago at my local Food Lion, I was picking up meat of some sort in the meat department when I hear “Bless Your Heart”.  Now this could be construed as an insult, or a compliment.  Depending on how the person blessing your heart is using it.

I turned to the ancient, little lady behind me and she said “I will forever think of you every time I grocery shop.  Thank you so, so much!!  It has never occurred to me to try that but I will from now on!”  Ahh, a compliment then.  She was watching me as I picked up the  meat out of the cooler.

It never EVER fails.  If you pick up any of the meat packages at the grocery store, you are going to get meat juices on your hands.  Or at least this is the case with my life.  Every.single.time.

An easy way to prevent it:

When you pull off one of those thin plastic bags, slide it over your hand……

Use your covered hand to pick up the meat…..

With your other hand, slide the plastic up and over the meat.  You’ll never have to touch the actual meat container while you are in the store.  You are very welcome!

P.S.  Don’t mind my lovely manicure.  I test colors on my thumbnails to see which one I want to use on my toes, hahaha.

P.S.S.  Also, do not be alarmed because there is a hair on this package of chicken wings.  It’s mine.  I know it’s mine, because Denton bemoans the fact that my hair is everywhere.  All the time.  It’s a wonder I’m not bald, but as he says, I have enough hair for at least seven people.  Which is why I’m not bald and why I don’t cook with my hair down.  You’re welcome again.

You can find my other Quick Tips here.