Weird Sightings. An almost T-Bone into a Funeral Procession.

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funeral processionThis may or may not be a weird sighting to you, but it is to me.  I’m from the south, in case you didn’t know it already.  And in the south, it’s always been a courtesy to the mourning family to pull over and let a funeral procession go by.  Do you do this in your neck of the woods?

I was in the big city last Friday (instead of my tiny town) working my way across town, visiting my favorite thrift store haunts.  As I came to the intersection, our light turned green.  The car in front of me didn’t move and I realized almost instantly that there was a funeral procession going on through – led by the police, as usual.

Now is where this boring story gets interesting, I promise!  A car behind all of us gets impatient and roars around, crosses the street in front of us and almost T-bones one the mourner cars.  Blowing his horn the entire time.  Classy.

Yes, as you can imagine the funeral cars were not impressed.  One the ladies actually rolled down her window as she passed Mr. Classy and yelled her opinion of the matter to him.  I don’t think he much cared for the castigation as his gestures indicated to her.  Again, Classy.

So, do you pull over for a funeral in your area of the world?  Or is this just a southern thing?


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