What’s for Supper?

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What's for Supper?

What’s for supper at your house?

Monday – I made what I call puff pastry pizza. It was just okay. If I would just stick to the original recipe it’s awesome. But I was lazy and just made a quick basic pizza and it wasn’t nearly as good as the ones I normally make. Recipe coming soon.

Tuesday – Taco ring. Have you seen the taco ring videos floating around on the internet? I tried one but I adapted it slightly. I need to work on my version before I’ll be happy with it.

Wednesday – Leftovers day! Yay.

Thursday – Shrimp scampi orecchiette pasta. This is a keeper. I’ve made this twice now and it has been devoured with NO leftovers whatsoever. I’ll give you the recipe soon. It is AMAZING.

Friday – Whatever you can find. I had plans to make soup beans, when I discovered that we had no pinto beans. I swear my family is hiding them from me…..

Saturday – Frozen pizza. It was horrible. I don’t know why I bother, I would rather have had tuna. We were packing to go to Denton’s parents so quick and bad it was.

Sunday – We are not in our state! It’s amazing that we can get on a plane and be 800 miles from home in a few hours, isn’t it? Little Ceaser’s pizza for supper.

What’s for supper at your house this week?