30 Simple Days ~ January

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When I posted a couple of days ago about my plans for this year, I knew that some of you were going to be expecting great and glorious systems or methods to get myself into gear for 2019.  And for that reason alone I’m going to lose a lot of you right out of the gate.  Because I don’t have plans for great and glorious things this year.  I was (and am) being very careful not to phrase this as a goal or a resolution.  Because I want this to be a permanent change in my life that I will stick with forever.  So here goes:

For January, for 30 simple days, I am going to do my dishes.  Cue the eye rolls.  I know.  How have a I gotten to be almost 46 years old and I don’t even know to wash my dishes every day?  I could give you all kinds of excuses, and that’s all they would be, excuses.  So we will skip over that part and save ourselves some time.

What started me towards this place, was a video I watched a few years ago.  I’m sure you’ve seen it, but just in case you haven’t I’ll link it here so that you can watch it yourself.  The full video is here if you are interested.  It is outstanding and you should definitely watch it.  Did this change my life overnight?  Nope.  But I actually started making my bed in the mornings.  Not every morning, but most mornings.  And you know what?  It makes me feel lighter on the days that I actually do it.  It surprises me when I walk into the room, sort of like I feel when I walk into a lovely, high end hotel, where everything is exactly where it should be.

I noticed that on the days I managed to actually get all of my dishes clean and put away, that’s exactly how I felt when I walked into my kitchen ten minutes later. Surprised, happy and lighter.  It also made me want to clean something else right away.  It must set off something in my brain, because cleanliness in one tiny spot in my house makes me want to clean another right away.

I decided to get a jump start and actually did this last night.

Unfortunately for me I have an obsession with dishes, so all of these did not fit into my dishwasher.  When I discovered this, (why was this a surprise to me?) did I contemplate shoving the extras into the oven or onto the dining room table where you wouldn’t be able to see them?  And then taking an after photo of the cleared and cleaned countertops?  I could have then run the dishwasher in the morning and no one would have been the wiser, right?  Oh, hello!  Have we met?  My name is Tracie and I have issues.  Have you noticed the title of my blog?

I actually set everything up so that I could hand wash them, then dry them and put them away. 

For me this isn’t about having a Pinterest or Instagram worthy kitchen.  Obviously.  This is about making a permanent change in my life.  Am I going to stick with it and do it every day?  I hope so.  Am I going to falter and go to bed with a stack of dishes in my sink some nights?  More than likely.  But.  This isn’t about perfection.  It’s about making small, what most people would say are stupid simple decisions in my life that I can build and grow on.  Life making my bed in the mornings.

So, I did my dishes last night. Every single one of them.  Even the two iron skillet’s I didn’t even know were sitting on my stove top until I was completely finished and ready to turn out the kitchen light.   I intend to do them all again tonight and every single night in January.  I may have pulled out all of my hair in frustration that people in my house insist on eating off of plates, using silverware and drinking out of glasses and then donated all but four of everything, but we’ll see.

If you are still with me by this point, don’t you love my helpers?

Neither of these things are being used as they were intended, but I love them.  They are serving the purpose I have given them.  Yes, they are antiques, and I will be upset when I eventually haphazardly destroy them, but in the meantime, I am using them in a way that makes me happy.  My elephant has 1966 on the bottom.

Anyone know what they were actually intended for?  I’m guessing flower arrangements.

Do you have plans to make simple changes in your life this year?  I would love to hear  about it!  I’ll keep you updated on how it’s all going during the month of January.  Let’s build some habits!


One thought on “30 Simple Days ~ January

  1. Oh, Tracie, I LOVE your bravery. I’m thinking it took courage to post the pics of your kitchen sink full of dishes, and admitting to leaving them overnight sometimes. But, the little secret is that most of us are guilty of this infraction! I don’t do it often, but, sometimes, I just rebel against my self imposed rules. I know it’ll get done, by me, eventually. I haven’t got a photo shoot scheduled for early the next morning, or anything. It won’t kill anyone. That being said, I am VERY grateful to have a spouse who is not OCD about cleaning and such. He enjoys a clean home, and has told me this several times over our 33 years of wedded bliss. I can’t imagine living with someone who imposes strict rules on housekeeping. I’m very blessed with my Shaun.
    I had not watched the video before, but, so glad that I did. Shaun is a retired army soldier. In our twenty years active duty, we were enriched by knowing men who were in the special forces. Seals, Delta, Rangers, etc. Some of which gave their life, which hurt us tremendously. Our son was privileged to love some of these men, and considered them friends, as we did. He is still in touch with some today. We owe our service members so much more than we give them. Past and present. We live near Ft. Benning, GA so we still have contact with those heroes, mostly through church. I’m thankful for that.
    Here’s wishing you success in your endeavor(s) this new year. And, thanks again for sharing with all of us.

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