Decluttering my life.

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Decluttering my life

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How are you faring in this new world that we are living in?   Our Aunt Ginny texted me a few nights ago, just checking in on us and I told her that the staying in part of this isn’t a new thing for us.  We are serious homebodies around here.  I know that that isn’t true for most of the population though.  So I am curious about how you are keeping yourselves busy.

I made another sweep through my house to clear out more of the things that I just do not love.  They will be going into the garage to await a safe moment to send them off to their new homes.

Our Salvation Army was still open when I called last week, but I am not taking chances right now.  Denton and both of the kids have pretty serious allergies during the Spring which can lead to the use of a nebulizer at our house.  IE:  it will be fine in the garage until an unspecified time.

Let’s see what’s getting a new life outside of my house sometime in the near future:

This laundry basket has to go.  It is collapsible which is a fantastic idea, but in reality is a giant pain in the butt to use on a daily basis.

I am using more and more glass jars to store things in at my house.  So I am slowly culling out all of my Tupperware.

Remember when I kept this backpack when I went through most of my purses?  Yeah, I used this the last time Liv and I went into the city and I absolutely hated this thing.  Also, these shoes hurt my feet.  I don’t wear shoes that hurt my feet anymore.

Extras.  I always have extras of everything, don’t I?  Slowly, I am getting things down to a normal average I believe.

I finally put some pillow covers on my bed pillows that I love.  So all of these can leave now.  It can take me awhile to suss out what I truly do love….

I went through my cookbooks again.  It’s getting down to the nitty gritty and I know that I need to go through them again, but I LOVE cookbooks….

Do you use a salad spinner?  I love mine, well I love my small one.  This giant green one gets on my last nerve.  It’s just so big and my small one does the job perfectly, so why am I hoarding this one in my kitchen cabinets?

This towel rack can be filed under things that are not used by anyone in my house.  So it has to go.

The clothes.  You may need to send help.  For the past year or more I have been VERY slowly purging things from my closet.  I just cannot bring myself to KonMari my clothes.  Number one I don’t have the mental stability for it, I don’t believe.  If I took ALL of my clothes out and piled them on my bed I do believe that my brain would just freeze and it would all stay there until Denton heaved it all out of the bedroom window so that he could set it on fire to get rid of it.

So my alternative is this:  when I put something on and it feels weird, or it doesn’t fit, or I just hate the way it looks, I toss it into the white wicker go away basket that sits outside my closet.  The problem with this method is two-fold.  1.  I know there are clothes hiding inside my closet that will never see the light of day, because I will NEVER put them on my body again.  2.  When I replace those hiding clothes with things that I do wear it just adds to the chaos, constantly.  My drawers are overflowing because things I do wear won’t fit because of the ill-fitting, non-wearable stuff already in there.

With all of this excess time on my hands, I think that I will alter Marie Kondo‘s method to fit my madness.  I’ll do it a drawer at a time, for 15 minutes blocks.  That’s manageable, right?  We shall see.

Are you decluttering?

2 thoughts on “Decluttering my life.

  1. How about when all this craziness is over, you come and spend some time at my house? You are an inspiration! I love your de-cluttering posts!

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