Grocery Shopping Trips: 04.29.19

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Hello again!  The world feels like it is spinning at an alarming rate right now.  The week’s feel like they are coming faster and faster and I just need to sloooow down for a minute.  All of the end of school year things are happening, all for the last time for us and it’s bittersweet.  I am so happy to have my kids out of the public school system, and at the same time I just want to sit down and cry my eyes out.

The cap and gown are ready, I have no idea what I’m going to feed all of my people when they get here for graduation, and the only toilet in my house that I KNOW is clean is mine – because I cleaned it last night.  I need more hours in my day.  Or I just need to prioritize my time better.  Less reading on the couch and YouTube at night and more DOING ALL THE THINGS.

How is your spring progressing?

I went into Wal-Mart twice in the past week and without looking at my lists I would have NO idea what I bought either time.  Here’s a horrifying fact for you:  I spent over $130 on one of those trips and I didn’t buy any meat.  Or coke.  Two of my biggest expenses.  So what in the world cost so dang much?!?

Three of the items on my list that weren’t food cost quite a bit.  Cat litter, creatine for Denton (don’t ask me, I have no idea what it does) and windshield washer fluid.  Yes, I think $1.78 for fancy water for the car is highway robbery.  This summer I think I’ll cut it with water from the garden hose and see how the Pilot fairs.  I suspect just fine.  If I forget that I did it when winter arrives will be what causes me problems….

Here is what we spent last week:

Wal-Mart $41.31 on 04.23.19 | Wal-Mart $130.26 on 04.27.19

Total spent for this week $171.57

January $740.71

February $631.00

March $689.00

April $405.44

And that’s it in the grocery haul department for our house.  Are you keeping up with your grocery spending this year?  Are you staying on track or do you just go with the flow?

Here are some ways I recoup part of my grocery budget each week:

ibotta | Checkout 51 | Receipt Hog | Walmart Savings Catcher | Fetch (referral code – QF4TJ)

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