Koshka, the great scaredy cat.

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IMG_0704Yep, that’s him, showing his disdain for the whole world.

Koshka is the newest edition to our family.  He only weighed in at 1.5 pounds when we adopted him from the shelter two years ago.  He was 4 weeks old.

IMG_0702He thinks that the entire world revolves around him.   That’s my daughters fault.  He also thinks that she is his mama.

See the scratches on her arm.  Yeah, should have been an indicator!

He absolutely cannot stand it if you shut a door against him.  He thinks that he owns the house too.  He will sit outside the door and meow at the top of his lungs.  And if that doesn’t work, he hooks his paw under the door and rattles it until whoever is inside cannot stand it anymore let’s him in.  Which was the point in his mind.  He owns the house after all.

But out of the three cats that we have he is the biggest scaredy cat of them all.  He is also the biggest bully.  Everything is out to get him, he thinks.  Probably because he lays in wait and tries to kill whoever walks by, be it human or not.

So last week, I went into the bathroom and left the door open for him because he was in the bedroom and I didn’t want to deal with his drama.  Please don’t tell me I’m the only person in the world who does this.

He watched me go into the bathroom.  He KNEW I was in there.

He then proceeds to stalk into his bathroom.  Halfway across the room he stops and becomes a statue.  I watched him for about 15 seconds and then I said, Koshka.

Oh dear Lord.  He jumped like I had stabbed him with a butcher knife.  Turned a flip and almost slammed into the door behind him trying to escape the axe murderer that I couldn’t see.  It looked something like this:

Oh Koshka.  You do provide endless hours of entertainment.  Even though your razor sharp claws have torn my feet to shreds at night because they must be killed.  We love you anyway.

BLOG 133

BLOG 132




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