What in the world did that?

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Denton and Hayden asked me to pick up shampoo and body wash on my way home last week.  They are picky now and won’t use mine or Liv’s stuff anymore. 


So I ran into Walmart and started to grab the Dove men stuff off the shelf when I noticed the bottle.  It had teeth marks on it.  Teeth.marks.

Another lady in the shampoo isle with me had started edging away from me, I guess she thought I was strange for snickering under my breath at a shampoo bottle, when I showed it to her.

I mean, if they were animal teeth marks how did that even happen?  Someone bought the bottle, their dog bit the bottle and they returned it?  

Or they had the dog with them and it couldn’t resist gnawing and then they put it back on the shelf?

Or some crazed person became rabid at the price of shampoo at Wal-Mart and went totally postal on this innocuous bottle?

We had a good laugh about what might have happened and then we both chose a different bottle of shampoo, so someone else could wonder too.

Do you make friends with total strangers at Wal-Mart or the grocery store, or is it just me?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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