What’s for Supper? Weekly Meal Plan 04.22.19

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It’s been another fantastic week of lovely weather.  Springtime.  I LOVE it.  I want it to last forever.  We traveled home to see my family last Friday and the weather was horrendous for getting from one place to another.  Thunder, lightening, pouring rain….  Great weather if you are at home with a book in your hand, terrible weather to be in a moving vehicle.  At one point the interstate was shut down to one lane which added almost three hours to our day.  When I win the lottery……I am only going to travel by plane.  Or helicopter.  Some mode of transportation that does not require me to sit in wall to wall traffic with raging lunatics.

Anywho, here’s what we ate last week:

Monday   Hamburgers, chips, and raw onions and tomatoes.

Tuesday   Our favorite Tavern.  Liva had a thing at school – Spring Extravaganza – she took second place in a Patriotism art contest.  Woohoo!!  We are so proud of her.  To celebrate we went to one of our favorite restaurants.  Yum!

Wednesday    Hot dogs, chips and corn bread salad.

Thursday   Garlic pasta and garlic bread

Friday, Saturday and Sunday  Eating with my family for Easter.  There is no place like home.  And home is where your family is.

On Friday my Mama made her homemade hamburgers which are Hayden’s favorite.

On Saturday we had our Eatin’ Meetin’ with all of the family who could gather and it was glorious.  Chicken and dumplings, mashed potatoes, ham, my Aunt Mary Jane’s green beans, deviled eggs, pasta salad, soup beans, corn bread, corn, and on and on AMEN.  My plate couldn’t hold it all.  Neither could my stomach.  And I didn’t even tell you about the desserts……

Sunday we had leftovers after church and they were even better.

Food never tastes as good as it does when you are surrounded by the people you love.  The best part of the whole weekend was being granted the time to just sit and talk.  Conversations with my people are so important.  I spent so many hours just talking – to my Aunt Mary Jane, my Aunt Anita, my Uncle Wyatt, my Mama and my Daddy, especially my brother and so many more – that I am still hoarse.  It was an amazing weekend.  I just wish ALL of my family could have been there too.  There are never enough hours in the day, and it never lasts long enough….. 

What’s for supper at your house?  What are you going to eat this week?




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