What’s for Supper? Weekly Meal Plan 07.01.19

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Hello again!  How is it JULY already?

This week has been a mishmash of trying to get back into the normal routine of life after vacation, trying to manage Denton’s pain on a day to day basis – which has been horrendous- and sitting and looking at my planner and having no idea where to start.

I have so many projects and tasks that need to be dealt with.  I just need to do a major brain dump; get everything down on paper and then list things out in some haphazard fashion.  Maybe then my brain will stop feeling like it’s going to implode.  Or explode.  I don’t know which.

I miss the beach.  I thought you might need to know this information.  I have a screensaver on my computer that switches from beach scene to mountains to waving grains to…. you get the point.  And every time it shows the beach, I long to just go and sit at the edge of the surf and let the waves wash over my feet.

Maybe I need to move to the beach.  It’s a conundrum.  My Mama does not share this longing for the waves like I do, but I already have it worked out in my mind.  She has the perfect place to live in the mountains, and I will live at the beach and we can just go back and forth from each others houses and we will all be content.  Easy peasy, right?

Okay, I’ll stop whining about the beach for now and talk about food.  The real reason you are here right?  Right.

Let’s see what we ate last week:

Monday, June 23 –  Hamburgers, chips and pickles

Tuesday, June 25 – Denton’s parents were still with us and it was their Anniversary so we took them to our favorite French restaurant.  This is a once or twice a year place for us, but it is SO worth it.  Denton’s Mama said it was the best steak she can remember eating.  She’s exactly right.  Denton told the owner/chef that he could kiss the cook and he let him!   He is so fun.  Hahahaha!  We LOVE that place.

Wednesday, June 26 – Frozen pizza.  Which Denton declared was the worst he had ever eaten.  Maybe it was because we had just had the best steaks on planet earth, though.

Thursday, June 27 – Taco’s, salsa and chips and quesadillas.  YUM

Friday, June 28 – Soup beans, roasted veggies, Mac and cheese with cornbread and salmon.  I had been craving this for a couple of weeks.  I can only go so long without it you know.

Saturday, June 29 –  Chinese, my favorite!  Liva and I did grocery shopping which makes me question humanity in general, so takeout it was.  I had already used up all of my brain power trying to resist murdering all the people who were wandering around in Walmart like zombies blocking all of the aisles.  Why?!

Sunday, June 30 – Leftovers, my other favorite!

That’s how our week played out.  What’s for supper at your house?  What are you going to eat this week?  Desperate, beach deprived people need to know…..




2 thoughts on “What’s for Supper? Weekly Meal Plan 07.01.19

  1. Oh, how I would love to live on a beach in the Florida panhandle. Our favorite beach was blown away. Mexico Beach. So sad. Now we have to find another location for our annual month long stay in Sept/Oct. It’s just wonderful to soak it up for that long.

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