What’s for Supper? Weekly Meal Plan 07.29.19

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Hey guys.  What’s for supper at your house?  I am constantly on the lookout for yummy looking recipes.  But, then we so often eat the same things week in and week out.   I need to seriously step it up and get out of my comfort zone.  It didn’t happen this past week, but I have high hopes that I can accomplish it by this fall.

We have settled into an uncomfortable routine here at our house.  Basically we are just in a holding pattern, waiting for Denton’s surgery, so that he can have some relief.  For all of you out there who are dealing with debilitating, unrelenting, ongoing pain – you have my prayers and compassion.  It is unbearable to watch someone be in pain and not be able to do anything about it.  Am I repeating myself?  It bears repeating and I’m too weary at this point to go back and look it up for myself.  Please be patient with me for the next few weeks, if you will.

Now onto the food – Let’s see what we ate last week:

Subway/Wendy’s.  Surprise, but not a surprise.  I’ve taken the easy way out more than I want to think about right now.  But I do love a good subway sandwich.

Soup and sandwiches.  It’s comforting to eat canned soup for me.  It doesn’t take any time at all to grill a cheese sandwich, and they go so well with chicken noodle, potato or tomato!

Hamburgers, chips and pickles.  One of Hayden’s favorites.  He is always up for burgers.  Too bad that I’ve run out propane for the grill and have no idea where to go get it filled.  Do they still do this at Walmart?  We have four of the tanks in our garage, because every time it’s gotten low our grill has died and the new one came with a tank, so we’ve never had to fill one.  I need to check into this in my tiny town…..

Soup beans, salmon, roasted veggies, and mac and cheese.  The ultimate comfort food.  The only thing that would make this meal better, would be if my Mama made it.

Chinese!  More comfort food.  For me anyway.

Leftovers.  Yay!

Soup and sandwiches.  Again.  No-one at my house minded at all.  I’m so glad!

What’s for supper at your house?  What are you going to eat this week?




2 thoughts on “What’s for Supper? Weekly Meal Plan 07.29.19

  1. Good morning,
    I know the holding pattern well. My husband and I have arthritis and have had multiple surgeries.
    Can I tell you a few things that may help after the surgery? You may have thought of these-
    A walker- just a big help, especially in the beginning. They can be invaluable when trying to get up and down (like in the bathroom)
    A recliner- sometimes it’s easier to sleep in this versus a bed
    A bell- beside the bed and where they sit in the living room (better than yelling, trust me!)
    Ensure- After surgery, you just don’t have an appetite. I know, these taste horrid. You could make protein shakes from scratch if you have the time
    Bottled water and electrolyte drink- Convenient and essential for healing
    A helper- Someone who will spell you. Get out of the house and take a walk, have lunch with a friend, go to the thrift store, anything besides stepping and fetching, at least for a few hours

    I do hope you have an excellent experience in the hospital and quick recovery for Denton. It’s hard on the patient, but also on the caregiver. Gotta take care of you, to take care of them!
    Keep us posted. Know that you are being remembered. Wish I was closer to you to help!

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