What’s for Supper? July 13-19, 2020

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What’s for supper at your house this week?

July 13-19, 2020

Welcome back!  Have you had a great week?  Is it high summer where you live?  It is hot as blazes here right now.  If it would only rain…… You have heard this refrain from me many, many times in the past.  A good soaking farmers rain.  This will heal the world, in my opinion.

My consolation is that there are only 64 days, 9 hours and 26 minutes until FALL is here!  (Well, when I am typing this, that is.) 😀

Here is what we ate this past week:

I made hamburgers, but I also made these caramelized onions to put on top of them and they were amazing.

Denton and I gave blood last week, but before we left I made a giant pot of Alfredo.  You can  see I added a bunch of cracked black pepper to mine.  Yum.  An update I need to include with this recipe is to switch out the milk with heavy cream.  Divine.

Baked potatoes with a side of bacon, summer tomatoes, crescent rolls and a turkey club on buns.  I had intended to bake chicken but it just seemed off to me and $8.00 worth of chicken is not worth a night of food poisoning at my house so we didn’t eat it!

Our favorite local pizza joint.  It is so, so good.

Grilled Italian chicken with baked potatoes, steamed broccoli and crescent rolls.  This time the chicken was delicious.

Potato soup, with bacon, biscuits and broccoli salad.  Oh I love this meal.  And so does everyone else in my house, so we could eat it every week and never get tired of it.

Chinese!  My favorite!

What's for supper? July 2020

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something divine this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

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