What’s for Supper? 04.12.21

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04.12.21 ~ What’s for supper at your house this week?  

Hello friends!  I’m finally back at this weekly update for what we eat in a week.  I have these moments where I am totally not happy with the way I’m doing things and I want to completely change everything up.  BUT, I don’t know exactly what I want to change it to and it becomes a vicious cycle in my brain.  Can you relate?  I drive Denton absolutely bonkers.  For someone who resisted change for so long, the older I get I seem to swing from one thing to the next very quickly now, hahahaha.

Anyhoo, I have decided that I am going to post my picture of what we eat each day on my Instagram and I’ll use this space to link the recipes.  Basically nothing will change on the blog, but I’m trying to keep up some momentum for myself and the crazy town that my brain lives in believes that posting to Instagram each day will give that momentum to me.  Yes, I know there is probably a disorder or something along those lines that I fit into, so don’t mention it, okay?  Okay.

After all of that hullabaloo, here’s what we ate last week: P.S.  thanks for hanging around!

tuna sandwiches

Tuna sandwiches with TWO kinds of chips and pickles.  Fancy.  Actually I like the chips at the bottom of the bag.  You know the ones, the ones that no one in your family will eat and they get thrown away.  Well, I actually like those because they are already broken up for me.  If I have whole chips, I break them before I eat them.  Yes, I know I am a weirdo.  I am completely fine with that.Roast beef with potatoes and carrots

Roast beef with potatoes and carrots, green beans, corn bread and coleslaw.Chinese food.  My favorite.

Soup beans, salmon, roasted potatoes, onions and asparagus.

A giant salad, garlic bread and spaghetti with an enormous glass of water.  I always forget to include my water with my pictures.  

Ham, mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus and carrots, with crescent rolls and perfect eggs.

Even though you can’t see it, there is Taco Pie under that mound of lettuce.  With tortilla chips and salsa on the side.


April 3:  Walmart $152.42

April 6:  Food Lion $17.41

April 9: Food Lion $122.25

I didn’t keep up with my grocery totals – at all – while I was taking my hiatus from this page.  I am very surprised that the total for March wasn’t worse.  I know that it isn’t because I have been deliberately eating from our garage freezer for the last month and half.  All of the meals that you see above, the meats came directly from my freezer.  I haven’t been buying meat lately so my grocery total is directly from fresh fruits and  vegetables and all of the miscellaneous things that get thrown into the cart, like potato chips.

Once we eat everything down in the freezer, I’ll slowly start adding to it again from all of the clearance deals I find later in the summer.

April ~ So far:  $292.08

March $524.80

February $547.53

January:  $485.88

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

How did your grocery shopping go for the past couple of months?

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

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