What’s for Supper? 03.15.21

03.15.21 ~ What’s for supper at your house this week?  

Hello friends!  I hope that you are doing well.  I missed last week’s post, due to being indisposed.  That’s a polite expression for the misery, but I lived through it.  I said the older I get the longer it takes to recover from terrible things like a stomach bug.  But you are definitely not here to hear about that.  In the meantime, we are enjoying spring like weather.  We will discuss the fact that we will have freezing rain later this week, and we’ll enjoy the Spring while we have it!  Right? Right.

Here’s what we ate last week:

Over the past two weeks I managed to take seven photos of the food that was eaten at our house.  Here is what they were:

Burgers.  Burgers with chips and pickles is always a go to when I need something easy.

Alfredo with a giant salad  and garlic bread.  I used frozen pappardelle pasta.  Everyone but me liked it a lot.  It may have been because I had been sick, so I’ll definitely try it again.

Chili with grits and raw onions.  Comfort food at its finest.Our favorite quick Italian pizza place opened back up.  Yay!  It was excellent.

Walmarts version of Lasagna with a giant salad and my bread.  Its just okay in my opinion. I would much rather have my “fast” version.

Soup beans with salmon, Mac and cheese, and roasted veggies.

McDonalds.  What can I say about that?  It was fine.

Taco salad with chips and salsa.

Roast with everything, corn muffins and coleslaw.  Yum.


Since I missed last weeks post, I decided to just list everything below that I spent the first two weeks of March on groceries.

03/13 – Walmart $100.05

03/13 – Food Lion $41.31

03/05 – Walmart $105.67

I didn’t even try to cull out all of the non food items.  In the perfect world where I live inside my head, sometimes I do this and keep everything straight.  But reality is that I don’t live in a perfect world, so all of the shampoo, face wash, toilet paper and cat litter get lumped in with milk, bread and everything in between.

Are you better at this than I am?

I keep up with this through my Fetch app.  I just cashed my money out and I’m buying myself an ice machine that supposedly makes ice like you get from Sonic.  I can’t wait to see if it actually does.  I’ll let you know!  If you don’t already have Fetch, you can use my link below and automatically get at least 2,000 points added to your account.  Woohoo!

March ~ so far:  $247.03

February $547.53

January:  $485.88

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

How did your grocery shopping go for the month of March?

What's for Supper?

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.

What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

The Compendium | March 14


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

“Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

This week I didn’t take a photo of anything that he tried to eat.  Not that he didn’t try to eat things other than his food and treats, I just didn’t get a photo of it.  However:

I posted this on my instagram.  I know, I have no shame.  This is what happens when you don’t vacuum for a week and half.  I have been vacuuming the den on Mondays and I got a stomach bug last week, so it didn’t get done.  Denton told me that I was going to blow up my Dyson.  I certainly hope not…..

I said its a good thing he’s so pretty.

Spring is coming!

Our lady was soaking up the sunshine.  We are supposed to get freezing rain on Tuesday, so we will enjoy the springtime while we’ve got it.  Right Hazel?  Right.

Our doorbell has seen better days, so I ordered a replacement and put it in a few days ago.

I was being blinded by the sun scorching my retinas and didn’t notice that it was crooked until I stepped back to take this photo and realized that I would need to take it completely apart and redo it. Sigh.

Much better now.  Have you ever noticed that when you finish one project there is another glaring out at you to get onto next?  Trim, your time is coming.  Not today, but soon.  Progress over perfection.  I have claimed The Flylady’s moto for my own.  Otherwise I would just curl up with a book and never do anything.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?  I feel much better this week.  I hope none of you end up with whatever I had, it put me in the bed for two days and took me more days than that to recover.  I’m glad to be back!

Also the time change and the dog are kicking my petunia.  It doesn’t matter what the clock says, it’s time to get up and go see what we can see, says Zack.  I’ve never been a coffee drinker but I think my time has come to start taking it up……

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

What’s for Supper? 03.01.21

03.01.21 What’s for supper at your house this week?  

Hello friends!  I hope that you are doing well.  I am totally behind, but valiantly trying to get back on track.  We shall see.  Are you seeing hints of Spring where you are?  We woke up to a shivery 28* this morning, but are looking at steadily increasing temperatures for the next little bit.  Now that I’ve updated you with our weather, lets get to the food.

Here’s what we ate last week:


Baked chicken with a giant salad, baked potatoes and buttered bread.03.01.21Soup beans, salmon, roasted veggies and Mac and cheese.  My comfort food.03.01.21

Baked ravioli with a giant salad and garlic bread.  YUM.03.01.21

Chicken fajitas with chips and salsa.  These were delicious.  03.01.21

Hot dogs without chili (again) with a variety of chips and broccoli salad.  I had another craving.

03.01.21Hamburgers with onion rings and French fries from a local place in town that opened up recently.  They were just okay.  I don’t say that lightly.  But when EVERYONE’S food is just okay, it’s just okay.03.01.21

Liv and I did the grocery shopping on Saturday, so Sunday dinner changed when I found ribeyes on the clearance rack.  They were divine, with a giant salad, baked potatoes, and garlic bread.

Groceries:  I needed to run into our local Food Lion to find chicken nuggets (hopefully) and came out on Wednesday with a total of $54.93.  On Saturday Liv and I drove to the next town over to stock up on things that our Kroger had on loss leader and walked out of there with a grand total of $173.71.  I had a list and everything!  One of the things that went into the cart was the ribeyes, but I’ve already gotten two meals out of those, so my brain is already telling me that they were justified.  And delicious.

Grand total for the month of February:  $547.53

February 28:  $228.64

February 20:  $88.93

February 13:  $127.09

February 6:  $102.87

January:  $485.88

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

How did your grocery shopping go for the month of February?

What's for Supper?

That’s it for us.  I hope that you ate something delicious this past week.  If you did, let me know in the comments down below.  I am always looking for a tried and true recipe to spring on my family.


What did you eat last week?  What are you planning to eat this week?  You can see all of my other What’s for supper? plans here.

The Compendium / February 28


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

“Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

Warning! If you are eating you may not want to see this photo!

Zyppah Anti snoring mouth piece

This is Denton’s snoring mouthpiece.  They cost $100.00.  Zack chewed it up and ate part of it this week.  Neither Denton or I were happy about this.  There are many others on amazon, but if you or your partner snore, I HIGHLY recommend this one.  We have been married for over 25 years now and Denton has snored every single night of all those years.  I’ve tried to get him to have a sleep study done, but he will not even consider it.  This thing was his compromise.  It works.  Does it completely eliminate all of his snoring?  No, but I can tell you that 99 percent of it is gone.  He also doesn’t stop breathing in the middle of the night anymore.  Okay, my sales pitch is over.  I didn’t mean for this to turn into one, but when something works, I need to tell you.

My laundry helpers.   

Hazel is the sweetest little thing.  But I think that she’s also the most vicious of our fur babies.  She won’t hesitate to slice you open if you get in her way.  If they are playing with a toy, DO NOT try to interfere, lol.  Otherwise, she is the softest, most loving kitty we’ve ever had.

Little Leo in his patch of sun.  Koshka and Hazel were right there with him, but they decided that they didn’t want their photo on the internet today.

Liv and I did the grocery shopping Saturday morning and we stopped by our local thrift shop afterwards.  Sometimes I’m amazed at the things that they have on display.  It also makes me want to know why?!?  Why do they have six walkers at the same time for sale?  I could make up all kinds of scenarios to explain this…..

We have normal drinking glasses at our house, and then we have the big bubba version in glass that Hayden and Denton jockey over all the time.  I spotted this one on the shelf and immediately texted Denton and asked did he want this one to add to their collection.  Why you need 30 ounces of water at a time bumfuzzles me.  I like my water ice cold and by the time I got to the bottom of one of these glasses it would be room temperature.  But that’s how they both like their water, sooooooo.  You do you, is what I always say.  He said yes, BTW, so now they have a silver rimmed, worn version to add to the ones they drink out of.  Yes, I could just buy them a set of six or eight of these giant glasses, but where would they  I get my fun from then?  I like the hunt of the thrift store.  Also between me and Little Leo, all of those would be broken soon and I would have to order more.  Leonard Nimoy t-shirt Star Trek

If you missed my quote of the week last week it was by Leonard Nimoy – whom I love.  I always like to try to include a t-shirt or something when I post them.  I loved this one.  I think Denton should buy it for me.  I wish it came in v-neck though, these circle neck t-shirts choke me.  Now I sound like my mama, hahaha.

After all the snow that we’ve had, it’s raining which takes me to my happy place.  Spring is coming!  Look at the size of that earthworm.  Also – does your dog curl his nails like a human?  Zack can and its very bizarre.  None of our other dogs have been able to do this.  Or if they could they didn’t.  If I’m sitting down when he wants to go outside he’ll come and put his paw on my knee and tilt his head.  Not the best way to indicate you need to go pee, but it’s something.  If I tell him to wait a moment, he’ll curl his nail into my leg like something trying to dig their nail into you.  He has giant paws, so we are working on this rudeness……Schitt's Creek

Last but not least, I posted on Friday what we’ve been watching.  Have you seen Schitt’s Creek?  If you haven’t, you should go read my post and then let me know when you surface again.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

The Compendium / February 21


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Check out what that means to you here.

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

“Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

A glue stick.  He also chewed up and ate part of a plastic coat hanger…I think that the cats are trying to kill him, since they are the ones who keep providing him with these things.  Leo will deliberately throw them at Zack and then watch with interest while I wrestle them away from him.

Our prediction for last weeks weather:

And what we actually received:

Thankfully our power stayed on and it melted within two days.

I found this little beauty on one of our walks a couple of days before the ice.  Spring.  I can’t wait.

This is the bag that I take to the grocery stores with me to keep all the cold stuff in.  As soon as it is emptied I find Leo like this.  

Zack isn’t allowed to be without me during the day – yes he is worse than an infant – so I find Koshka on his bed in our bedroom during the day while we are in other parts of the house.  He will NOT lay on any of the cat beds we have, but this giant dog bed is right up his alley, apparently.

If there is clean laundry to be found on a surface, you can bet there is a cat sleeping on it for me.

A perfect, tiny snowflake.

The ice or wind or both brought this little wasps nest into our yard and Zack has pounced, growled and barked at it every single time we go outside.  Denton said, Isn’t that funny how he knows it something to fear and be wary of?

I made a big batch of my perfect boiled eggs last week.  They didn’t last long.

Leo strikes again.  Sigh.

More stuff off to live at someone else’s house. I checked in with the new manager of our local Salvation Army about the candle containers.  I wanted to be sure that she didn’t just want me to recycle them.  She said, NO.  Bring them on.  She can sell them.  Win win.  Also, how do you store your Christmas ornaments?  I pick up vintage tins like the one above when I can find them.  But this one was weirdly shaped inside.  It had a depression on the top and on the inside bottom, which made the space only about an inch and a half in height.  That wasn’t enough room to hold any of my ornaments, so off it goes.I made another favorite this past week and I just realized that it wasn’t on the blog.  I’ll post the recipe on Tuesday.  It’s so, so good.dexter

On Friday I posted about the show Dexter.  Have you seen it?  Do you agree with me?  Let me know!


Groceries:  I spent our money at Walmart this week, coming in at a total of $88.93.  I was super excited to find a bag of White Lily flour marked down to $2.09!!!!  I usually can’t even find White Lily flour at our Walmart, much less find it marked down.  It was bleached and I prefer the unbleached, but I’m not going to argue at that price.

Also, do you pay cash for everything, use a debit card or a credit card?  I use our Discover card for almost everything and then pay it at soon as I get home, that way it’s just like using my debit card.  I get cash back from them and I use it for things that I was planning to buy anyway.  My last big “FREE” to me purchase with my cash back was my air fryer.  Now I’m eyeing curtains.  I am hesitating, because, cats who destroy curtains are a thing at my house….

February 20:  $88.93

February 13:  $127.09

February 6:  $102.87

January:  $485.88

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

The Compendium / February 14


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Check out what that means to you here.

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

“Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

I have no idea what this one is or where he retrieved it from.Sorry for the blurry photo.  Again.  This dog doesn’t stand still well.  He also tries to eat everything he finds along the side of the road on our multiple daily walks.  He dragged something out of the decaying leaves the other night that was literally decomposing, but I didn’t think that you’d want to see that……

Third week in a row that we’ve gotten snow.  I am very ready for spring.  I want to plant tomatoes and peppers.  Although it is pretty.

I was looking for my extra scissors and came across these glasses in Denton’s bathroom drawer and immediately texted him a photo and said “Woohoo! I found your extra glasses” and he texted me back and said, “Those aren’t mine….”  Oops, they are an old pair of mine.  Oh well.

Things that are being re-homed.  I actually loved that Martha Stewart dog food bag, but the design was atrocious.  It was very difficult to get into.  Which was a good thing when it comes to Little Leo, but a bad thing when your 110 pound dog is dancing around you while you are trying to open it one handed and fend him off at the same time.

More things that are headed to someone else’s house….

More clothes that have now been gone through and can leave my house, except for what I’ve set aside for my nieces.

You may have seen on Instagram that I put up a blind in my bathroom this past week.  This little project has been waiting for me to complete it for almost a year.  The kittens destroyed my curtains when we brought them home, and after I took them down, I just never got around to putting this up.  How perfect a fit is that?!?  I found these at one of my local thrift shops for $6.99 for two of them.  They glide up and down like a dream, and I LOVE them.  Now to patch the holes from the hardware and then I can think about painting sometime in the next four years….There is no such thing as too many books long sleeved t-shirt

I need this shirt.  snow falling on cedars

Have you read Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson?  It was my “What I’m Reading” book last week.  I have a new book that I’m about to start and I can’t wait!

Groceries:  I spent my hard earned money at Food Lion and Walmart again this week.  The total for Food Lion came in at $15.69 and Walmart was $111.40 for our family of four.

Are your grocery stores still having problems keeping things stocked?  My local Food Lion can NOT keep chicken nuggets in their freezers.  I finally asked when they get their truck each week, so that I can make a run in on the evening that they unload to see if I can snag some to keep in the freezer.  I keep them on hand at all times for the kids to have a quick snack with.  What do keep for quick snacks?  I love my air fryer for stuff like that.

Also, they had one bag of White Lily flour and it had a HOLE in it.  That’s the only flour I use to make my biscuits, soooooooo.  Did you know that the reason White Lily makes such good biscuits is because it’s one of the few that uses soft winter wheat?  Most flour company’s use hard wheat.  If you can get your hands on some White Lily flour, you should try it!   But try to find it locally because those prices are insane.  I usually pay around $3.50 for five pounds.

February 13:  $127.09

February 6:  $102.87

January:  $485.88

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

The Compendium / February 7


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Check out what that means to you here.

I take a lot of photos during the week.  At current count there were over 7,000 pictures on my phone.  I know.  Anything that catches my eye that I think is interesting, or just a memory that I’d like to keep.  However, they usually sit in my phone and no one sees them except me and my immediate family; when I force them to sit and look at them with me occasionally.  I do share some of them on my Instagram, in case you’d like to follow me over there.  Anywho, I thought that I would give myself a sort of week in review to look back at.  Who knows, maybe this is something I will actually remember to do each week for once!

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

“Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

Sorry for the blurry photo.  Denton sent me this while Liv and I were foraging for groceries.  I said, “You left him alone, didn’t you?”  And Denton replied, “I was in the bathroom!”  Doesn’t matter bucko, this dog CAN NOT be left alone.  Ever.  A new pair of glasses are coming up for Denton.

His happy place.  We got about 3 to 4 inches of snow Saturday night.  

My mama said he looks sad.  I said, it’s because I told him it was time to go inside….

This was a wet, heavy snow.

I took this photo at around 8:00 am and the snow was gone by noon.

All of the things that I dropped off at our local Salvation Army on Saturday.  Do your kids match their socks?  Liv doesn’t. So when I dropped them off, I asked if that would be a problem.  Apparently most kids don’t match their socks, because they said no problem!  Also, can you wear a sleep mask?  I have tried three different ones and I hate them all.  I can’t stand to see light when I’m sleeping.  I know, I know, close your eyes Denton says.  I just can’t stand to even slightly open my eyes and see light.  But I seriously hate these things.
Little Leo strikes again.  He lives his perfect life to throw things on the floor.  It’s a good thing I buy drinking glasses at thrift stores…..Also, the goofy dog waits for this to happen so he can try to eat all the things… I told you, he CAN NOT be left alone.  Ever.

Groceries:  I spent my hard earned money at Food Lion and Walmart this week.  The total for Food Lion came in at $19.97 and Walmart was $82.90 for our family of four.

How do you grocery shop?  I keep my beautiful, glorious garage freezer stocked with meat that I find during my grocery trips that are a super price.  That way each week when I need to fill up on fresh vegetables and fruit, I don’t have to pay full price when I want something.  It helps to keep my grocery budget within check.  How is your budget going?

February 6:  $102.87

January:  $485.88

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

The Compendium / January 31


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Check out what that means to you here.

I take a lot of photos during the week.  At current count there were over 7,000 pictures on my phone.  I know.  Anything that catches my eye that I think is interesting, or just a memory that I’d like to keep.  However, they usually sit in my phone and no one sees them except me and my immediate family; when I force them to sit and look at them with me occasionally.  I do share some of them on my Instagram, in case you’d like to follow me over there.  Anywho, I thought that I would give myself a sort of week in review to look back at.  Who knows, maybe this is something I will actually remember to do each week for once!

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

I believe that I’ll start a new series here on the Compendium of photos that consist of “Things That Zack Tried to Eat This Week”

No worries, he didn’t eat the pills, he just chewed it open to see what was inside. 🙄 

This used to be one of Olivia’s headbands….

I have no idea what this is, or where he got it.  Denton asked me if the kids were this bad when they were toddlers.  I said no, they actually minded.  Sigh.  Message me for tips on how to prise a 110 pound dog’s mouth open without losing any fingers.  I’ve become quite proficient at it…

Meanwhile, Leonidas has found himself a comfy place to take a nap.

Santa was having a hard day in my town.  I’m not judging anyone, since my little Champagne Christmas tree is still up…..

Can you see the mania?  I have never seen a dog who LOVES snow as much as Zack does.  Oreo liked the snow and Sampson loved the cold, but this dog – it’s a whole different ball game with him.  When I opened the front door at 7:15 this morning and he saw the glorious white fluffiness all around the neighborhood, he went bonkers.  He does it every time it snows.  After we went inside, he was literally vibrating until I let him go to Denton (who I let sleep in on the weekends because he takes the 6:30 AM shift during the week with this goofhead) and he barked and bounced and growled until Denton went out with him to see all of the magnificence of the fluffiness too.  You can imagine the joy that Denton greeted this with, since he is a Florida boy, born and raised and loves summer with all of the mania and glee that Zack greets winter with.  Hahaha.

A rare selfie.  This photo confirms to myself that I need bangs.  Until I get up the nerve to cut said bangs and instantly have buyers remorse.  Which is why I need to move somewhere that I can wear my giant faux fur puffy coat year round to hide my big forehead that needs bangs that I would instantly regret.  Maybe I’ll start wearing those giant bow headbands that infants wear…..

As soon as I typed that sentence I thought, I bet they make something like that:DRESHOW 8 Pack Women's Headbands Headwraps Hair Bands Bows Hair Accessories

Ha!  They do!  I may just buy myself some of these.  If you click on the photo you too can buy yourself some of these beauties.  Seriously, I like them.

Do you have a Dollar General in your town?  I accidentally stumbled onto a YouTuber  called Coupon Club that puts together deals each week with their sales and the digital coupons that come with the DG app.  She does a fantastic job, so I wanted to tell you about her if you have one.  You can’t beat the prices that you can get with the deals she puts together each week.  Let me know if you try it!

Groceries:  I spent just over $144 this week between Walmart and Food Lion.  My grand total this month is still slightly higher than I would like it to be, but it’s nowhere near the more than $1,000.00 a month I spent in 2020, so I’m calling it a win.  I’m also not separating out things like facial tissues, toilet paper, feminine products, toothpaste, etc.  You know, things that you won’t be eating, but end of in your cart while you’re grocery shopping.

January:  $485.88

January 3 – January 9:  $104.22

January 10 – January 16: $131.41

January 17 – January 23:  $105.62

January 24 – January 30:  $144.63

Fetch: if you use my referral code QF4TJ, you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can see them all here.

The Compendium / January 24


1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Check out what that means to you here.

I take a lot of photos during the week.  At current count there were over 7,000 pictures on my phone.  I know.  Anything that catches my eye that I think is interesting, or just a memory that I’d like to keep.  However, they usually sit in my phone and no one sees them except me and my immediate family; when I force them to sit and look at them with me occasionally.  I do share some of them on my Instagram, in case you’d like to follow me over there.  Anywho, I thought that I would give myself a sort of week in review to look back at.  Who knows, maybe this is something I will actually remember to do each week for once!

Yes, I know this is very late, but I’m here!

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

Little Leo keeping watch for the snow.

I’m trying to keep up my momentum when it comes to getting all of the fluff out of my house.  If it doesn’t have a home, and I’m not going to make a home for it, it’s leaving.  Only I forgot that red pot at home twice.  No worries, it has been donated and already has a new home.

Liv has caught the decluttering bug.  I culled out some of the clothes for my nieces to go through.  When I will see them to give them to them remains to be seen…..

My drawer next to the stove was driving me mad.  So I stole another organizer from a rarely used drawer across the room….

And then dumped those items straight back into the drawer……

so that my much used drawer is more under control.  I know.  This one is completely a mess now, but I only pull it open to get to my stick blender once a week.  Which tells me that I need to get rid of the rest of that stuff…..

It’s not perfect, but it will do for now.  And this drawer that I pull things out of every time I cook isn’t driving me completely bonkers now.  Also, this is another reason that I take pictures of EVERYTHING.  I can see that that drawer organizer is very gross and needs a thorough cleaning.  I didn’t ever notice when I was switching all of it around.  Sigh.

I also forgot to do a weekly roundup last week of what I spent on groceries.  I love Fetch.  It gives me points for buying things that I was going to buy anyway, and it also remembers where I spent my money and when.  That might freak some of you out, but I hate to break it you – unless you are living completely off grid without a smart phone and an internet connection, you are being tracked anyway……Anywho, if you want to join Fetch and rack up points, you can use my referral code QF4TJ and you’ll get 2,000 points when you sign up.

I spent $131.41 the week of January 10th through January 16th.

The week of January 17th through January 23rd I spent $105.62.  For a grand total of $341.25 for January so far.  Not bad.

I’ve been using things from my pantry and freezers to make our meals, so I’ve been buying fresh fruits and vegetables each week and filling in where we need something specific.  It’s definitely keeping the cost down.  With only one week left in January I don’t think that I’ll hit the $1,000 mark this month, thank the Lord.

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can them all here.

The Compendium / January 17

1  a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially an extensive subject;
concise treatise: a compendium of medicine.
a summary, epitome, or abridgment.

3  a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.

I take a lot of photos during the week.  At current count there were over 7,000 pictures on my phone.  I know.  Anything that catches my eye that I think is interesting, or just a memory that I’d like to keep.  However, they usually sit in my phone and no one sees them except me and my immediate family; when I force them to sit and look at them with me occasionally.  I do share some of them on my Instagram, in case you’d like to follow me over there.  Anywho, I thought that I would give myself a sort of week in review to look back at.  Who knows, maybe this is something I will actually remember to do each week for once!

Here is a peek into our week, in no particular order:

My new flag for the rest of winter.  It makes me smile.

Little Leo.  He finds the most curious places to take a nap.I spied this peculiar sight at a doctor’s visit this week.  My mind always wants to know the why of things.  Why is this little bottle of hand sanitizer on this giant table?  Is this the only table they had available?  Does it make people see it better?  Also, one thing that the pandemic has created is faster visits at the doctor.  I was the ONLY person in the waiting room and I was in and out in under 40 minutes.  

This dog.  Zack loves nothing more than snow.  He is so happy when he prances out onto the front porch and see’s that it’s coming down.

As pretty as it is, I’m ready for Spring to arrive and stay until September.

One of the many items that are just hanging out and taking up space that’s going away this week…..

These too.  

I continually find a better way to arrange my life.  I never open this cabinet door because I have been stuffing overflow items into it.  But it’s prime real estate in my kitchen since it is  right next to my stove, so I cleared it out and put my spices back in there.

Now I can reach my most used spices without moving across my kitchen.  And moving across my kitchen is dangerous now, because I have a pony trying to help me cook.  See above photo of Zack.

More things that are already loaded in my car and will be leaving my house to find a new home…..

So far I have kept my promise to myself two weeks running about my nails.  I really like the Poparazzi nail polish from CVS.  It’s only 50 cents when you find it on sale and it’s on sale every other week it seems like.  And it comes in a multitude of colors.

I made my Slow Cooker Pork Loin this week with intentional leftovers.  I’ll tell you all the things I made with it tomorrow!

So.  What happened in your neck of the woods last week?

If you are interested in what’s been happening in previous weeks, you can them all here.